Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The old tea pourer , Donna 's one-time school-teacher , peered up at her through rimless glasses .
2 She turned and started to walk , but he caught up with her with those lithe strides of his , and took her roughly into his arms .
3 This week The Belfast Telegraph caught up with her in Royal Avenue , where the living legend was , typically , being mobbed by fans .
4 When I finally caught up with him at Crazy Joe 's Plantation Village , he was in a resigned mood .
5 In the half-light that was not yet day , roadside trees could conceal could even be — the dreaded pursuers , caught up with him at last .
6 Tim and Lynne Littler caught up with us at this point and with little resistance from our party , insisted that we could n't leave Paris without a light lunch .
7 You know if you did n't fill it in , they would act actually catch up with you at some stage and you may erm if you had exceeded the limit be erm you know you may be issued with a demand for a cheque for X for X number of pounds for overpayment of pension .
8 You went to find him — did n't you ? — for his creditors have caught up with him at last .
9 In February '91 Tony started an essay on Arafat , ‘ I hooked up with him on two different occasions , over the course of a couple months , trying to do a photo-essay on him ; which was probably the most ridiculous thing to do the first time out of the box for a while — talk about a third-rate Keystone kops movie , with me as the star ! ’
10 As the rim brushed her groin Sally felt a sharp sweet pleasure which seemed to shoot up inside her on silken cords to that deep core where the trickles of excitement played every time she thought of Pete .
11 Anyway , , the old shed looks well there er , I du n no why I started to look out and the cat was on his back legs with his feet like that and he was looking up at me like that !
12 There had been a series of photographs showing Adam with a series of women , each one more gorgeous than the last , and each one looking up at him with undisguised adoration .
13 But at least she was safe from the man on the ground , who now seemed to be recovering and was looking up at her with intense fury as he rubbed the area just below his ribs .
14 Looking up at you with all that trust .
15 She had put on her hat and coat and was about to leave when he came up to her with two bunches of violets , so that she was able to press the cigarettes into his hand while taking the flowers from him .
16 At this moment about 11 people came up to me with two dogs .
17 People came up to me with glowing faces and said , Was n't it wonderful ?
18 But when she came up to me after that third seminar I was so shocked and embarrassed that I could barely speak .
19 He came up with them to Four on the first floor , Tom 's room .
20 They may not have found quite the soulmate in each other that they had been looking for , but their relationship has made up for it in other ways .
21 If Winterbottom had not played much hard rugby with Headingley , then he more than made up for it in those few short months .
22 She released him and he fell back on the crumpled bedclothes to stare up at her at first blankly .
23 It was only by an act of supreme will that she was finally able to wrench her mouth from his to look up at him with angry , blazing eyes .
24 ‘ A Hollywood movie about two cops who do n't get along at first but are thrown together on a case involving drugs , foreigners , lots of fights and guns and which ends up with them respecting each other and winning .
25 I 've always liked chickens — the way they hold their heads on one side and look up at you with one eye .
26 She gazed up at him through dazed , unfocused eyes .
27 His voice was raggedly urgent , and she gazed up at him through cloudy , unfocused eyes .
28 She gazed up at him in stunned silence .
29 Then , abruptly , his mouth left her , and she gazed up at him in confused distress , her body still longing for his caress .
30 I was thinking of a little black cat gazing up at me with dim eyes ; Rozanov of I know not what — possibly Ulrike Meinhof .
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