Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , if the business is hived up from Target to Newco at less than both its cost and market value , this will depress the value of Newco 's shares in Target , so that a subsequent disposal of Target would , in the absence of s32 TCGA , not realise a gain .
2 Earnings per share moved up from 14.04p to 15.36p and the company is raising the final dividend from 4.34p to 4.57p , to boost the total by 5.3 per cent to 6.36p .
3 SEVENTY-EIGHT-year-old Pop Staples belongs to that great generation of bluesmen who moved up from Mississippi to Chicago in the 1930s .
4 In my day and at a good school , it was easy , as you moved up from class to class , to miss out totally on some period of English history — the only history that was taught .
5 I learned that the rivers of the area are frozen up from January to April when the temperature sinks to minus 10°F , although the summer temperature while we were in Irkutsk was a ‘ sweltering ’ 65°F !
6 Novell Inc 's BrainShare ‘ 93 get-together in Utah , March 22 to 26 , is promising to come up with answers to questions like ‘ Can Microsoft Corp NT and NetWare co-exist ? ’
7 Novell Inc 's BrainShare ‘ 93 get-together in Utah March 22–26 is promising to come up with answers to questions like ‘ Can Microsoft Corp NT and NetWare co-exist ? ’
8 At the earlier hearing , Sheriff Reid had heard that Walters had dreamt up the fraud after a Jersey-based financier had failed to come up with cash to back market research for a new board game .
9 But if the bulk of the CPP continues to reject the election result and refuses to take its seats in Cambodia 's assembly , the UN will have to come up with ways to winkle the party out of power .
10 Steven looks up from call to opposite number in Coventry .
11 Dairyman Crick 's sleeves were rolled up from Monday to Saturday , and the milkers milked in the fields for coolness .
12 To return to the example , the non-distressed parent may choose to make explicit to the friend her own thinking , such as ‘ well , the children do usually obey us and every parent gets wound up from time to time with their child ’ .
13 The discount rate used to appraise projects in the non-trading part of the public sector will be nudged up from 5% to 6% .
14 Dividends are nudged up from 13.7p to 14.3p , with the final of 9.62p payable on June 1 .
15 Until some genius does so , controversies like the one which surrounded this year 's Mildmay Course at Aintree , are bound to crop up from time to time .
16 They ought to have been eliminated by now , or is there a mutation that continues to crop up from time to time ?
17 Such errors show up from time to time as inconsistencies in the records , but much worse are those that go undetected , and which could lead to the wrong conclusions being drawn when the records are analysed .
18 Other sorts of dates do , however , crop up from time to time , namely the regnal year of a particular ruler , such as one of the Ptolemaic kings of Egypt .
19 However , business lunches may crop up from time to time — and also evening invitations which involve dining at restaurants .
20 Entering it he could imagine her sitting there in the summer days and evenings , working on the papers which she occasionally contributed to ornithological journals and looking up from time to time to gaze out over the headland to the sea and the far horizon , could see again that carved , weather-browned Aztec face with its hooded eyes under the grey-black hair , drawn back into a bun , could hear again a voice which , for him , had been one of the most beautiful female voices he had ever heard .
21 Your two crystals grow visibly : they break up from time to time and the pieces also grow .
22 EIGA reckons its plan will appeal to UK and European businesses ranging from hoteliers trying to set up in Moscow to oil giants eyeing the vast energy resources of Kazakhsthan .
23 After just two days on the market , the software group has shot up from 70p to 113p — great news for the institutions who got in on the ground floor .
24 Profits had shot up from £6m to £27m and the share price had risen — on a trajectory a jumbo jet pilot can only dream of — from 170p at the beginning of 1991 to 899p by the year-end .
25 Hold up to needles to estimate number of stitches required then deduct two at each end .
26 A company was set up , a detailed survey was done , and a bill drawn up for presentation to Parliament — the usual procedure .
27 The plans have been drawn up in response to concern over the nuclear industry 's long-term financial future , particularly after the end of the non-fossil fuels levy in 1998 .
28 Maura said you were going up to Slane to look up old friends of the family ; is that right ? ’
29 He also says council parking fines will be going up from £5 to £30 in April and police fines would rise from £16 to £30 .
30 The world beyond Europe began to be opened up with voyages to India , China and America , and this transformed men 's horizons in a way fully as dramatic as space travel in our own time .
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