Example sentences of "[verb] take [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many visitors to Quainton Road expressed surprise at the amount of change that has taken place at the Centre over the last few years .
2 Her acceptance as a full member nation is expected to take place at the ITF 's Annual General Meeting , which takes place in the Dominican Republic in September .
3 One of many photographers who had been lurking among the azaleas seemed to take hope at the sight of such an obviously affectionate couple and presented himself before them .
4 Residents within line of fire were evacuated from their homes and advised to take refuge at the Shuttle and Loom pub .
5 Luckily perhaps for those who believe in human free will , however , this was not the complete and only picture on offer when the social sciences began to take shape at the end of the eighteenth century .
6 A major retrospective of the artist 's career is scheduled to take place at the Guggenheim Museum , New York , from May 1993 .
7 A major retrospective of the artist 's career is scheduled to take place at the Guggenheim Museum , New York , from May 1993 .
8 9.35 : Check money and ticket stubs returned from parents for the Christmas Draw to take place at the school social evening next month .
9 Scott started taking marijuana at the age of eleven .
10 On that occasion the energetic opposition to Henry I 's accession put up by Constance of Arles and her sons created a serious crisis , in the course of which Henry was driven to take refuge at the court of the duke of Normandy .
11 Last night a benefit concert was set to take place at the Bristol Bierkeller , featuring Extreme Noise Terror , perhaps Britain 's foremost thrash band , now legendary for turning out songs which clock in at under one second .
12 Training may have to take place at the principal 's manufacturing plant and such training should form a compulsory part of any agreement .
13 These final exchanges were to have taken place at the border town of Mundhiriya from March 14 , but did not in the event go ahead as scheduled .
14 The incident is believed to have taken place at the home of Mr Dearlove 's estranged wife Janet .
15 A similar rite seems to have taken place at the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus .
16 Among the many meetings that took place that night , one of the most significant seems to have taken place at the house of a Foreign Office Minister , Tristan Garel-Jones .
17 And , further , how does it appear that the testator 's implied request , if it could be implied , or his promise , if that promise alone would suffice , or both together , were intended to cause the marriage , or did cause it , so that the marriage can be said to have taken place at the testator 's request , or , in other words , in consequence of that request ?
18 The alleged attacks were said to have taken place at the family 's home in Flint .
19 In the UK , the Reed Exhibition Co Ltd has cancelled one of its biggest events , the PC-oriented Which Computer Show , which was to have taken place at the NEC , Birmingham this April .
20 It was more than two decades since he had taken offence at the term-a term used all the while in court , where the Han were predominant and the few Caucasians treated as honorary Han — yet here , in the Domain , he felt the words incongruous , almost — surprisingly — insulting .
21 No sooner had a special train , carrying 633 people who had taken refuge at the West German embassy in Warsaw , arrived in Hanover yesterday than at least 200 more refugees turned up on the embassy doorstep .
22 Men had died because an untrained horse had taken fright at the sound of musketry .
23 For most Whigs , it was axiomatic that resistance had taken place at the Revolution ; the logic of their position at Sacheverell 's trial rested on this basic belief .
24 In the case of the subject I shall henceforward designate as Subject A I found that the medial end of the clavicle had not yet fused , though fusion had taken place at the acromion and verical border scapula .
25 Defenders of the evacuees pointed out that the exercise had taken place at the end of a particularly hot summer , in which head lice would have thrived , that parents had not been properly informed of how long their children would be evacuated for ( and hence despatched them in one day 's clothing ) , or that the first day of evacuation ( 1 September ) was a Friday — the day on which working-class financial resources would have been at their lowest , preventing parents buying extra garments for their children .
26 But the wording of the ‘ appeal ’ couched the action solely in terms of justifiable retaliation for the ‘ campaign of agitation ’ and ‘ lies ’ in the foreign press allegedly initiated by Jewish emigrants , and the claim that ‘ hardly a hair had been touched ’ on Jewish heads in the course of the ‘ national revolution ’ was meant to suggest that the Party Leadership ( including Hitler ) was ignorant of the daily maltreatment of Jews which had taken place at the hands of the Party rank-and-file .
27 A Home Office spokesman yesterday denied that any such incident involving Courtney had taken place at the prison .
28 The items showed that the burial had taken place at the period when the cremation of bodies and burial of the ashes in urns was practised .
29 With other members of the presbytery , the Reverend Brown was worried about what had taken place at the summer camp on Rousay in 1990 .
30 Since the ban was imposed by Margaret Thatcher , campaigners have argued for the restoration of union rights , and three secret meetings have taken place at the Cabinet Office , the last of them this afternoon ended in breakdown .
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