Example sentences of "[verb] so [adv] [conj] [noun] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Leonora , afraid he 'd been about to order her to bed , assented so rapturously that Penry eyed her in amusement as he crossed to the stairs .
2 Effie , spared the final agonising pangs of the actual moments of birth , recovered so slowly that McAllister feared that she had overdone the chloroform .
3 The sets of values embedded in one 's goals in childhood have to be modified so radically and conflicts resolved so ruthlessly that few attempt it .
4 The fingers moved so fast that Dougal found it hard to follow what was happening .
5 His fellow pupils at school suffered so badly that Mary became a constant visitor to the headmaster 's study , and Gary was banned from the playground .
6 ‘ I do n't suppose I 'd have done so well if Maggie had been in charge ’ he was a Minister in the Wilson government .
7 Matey might not work so hard as McAllister did , or perform such menial tasks , like scrubbing the kitchen floor and whitening the front doorstep — which was next on McAllister 's list of duties — but she did her share and was never idle , even in her spare time — hence her membership of the ladies ' sewing circle and her encouragement of her housemaid , McAllister , to accompany her to it .
8 It all happened so fast that Jenna had no time to move .
9 ‘ It 's my duty , ’ he replied so piously that Corbett leaned back and roared with laughter .
10 The three boys set out , but they walked so slowly that Oliver thought they were not going to work at all .
11 He walked so slowly that Piper had to stop every few seconds and wait for him to catch up .
12 Dustin was doing so badly that Nichols decided to allow the actor time to learn his lines and then redo the test .
13 His eyes watered so fiercely that tears ran down his cheeks , but he fought down the choking sensation and his self-esteem soared .
14 ‘ Roman was hurt so badly when Gabriella died .
15 She laughed so infectiously that Athelstan joined in and , for the first time since he had arrived at St Erconwald 's , the nave of his church rang with laughter .
16 In one account of the visit , it is said that the Emperor was loathe to allow the doctor to leave China and did so only after Garvine appealed to him on the grounds that he wished to return to Scotland and attend to his aged and ailing father .
17 In spite of his strange , clouded manner , he spoke so reasonably that Hazel felt rather ashamed .
18 ‘ No , ’ said Dierdriu , but now she spoke so softly that Fergus had to move closer to hear her .
19 ‘ I started screaming so loudly that crowds ran to the scene which eventually made the policemen stop . ’
20 This was shouted so loudly that passers-by reacted and Bernie put his hand out to her .
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