Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun pl] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She got a full nelson , and sank her claws into the back of her neck , pressing the Daughter 's face to the hard-beaten earth of the street .
2 The Great Dane barked once and sank her teeth into the boy 's dangling hand .
3 She made a little rite of soaking her feet in a corn cure called ‘ Reudel ’ , and as she lowered her feet into the bowl of steaming water there was again that little look , that narrowing of the eyes and pursing of the lips , which said so much with so little disturbance of her features .
4 She pulled away from him , shrugging her arms into the jacket sleeves .
5 Dratslinger looked up when Apanage led her guests into the room , an expression of irritation on his face .
6 Again , she would clench her fist and ram her knuckles into the face of her driver , 3-wood or whatever .
7 A great flush spread on her throat and she drove her heels into the sand and arched her back , whispering his own name to him like a fierce incantation .
8 ‘ Yet again Mia Farrow is forcing her children into the limelight for a dollar , ’ said Allen 's spokeswoman Leslee Dart .
9 He indicated a rough path that led to a sturdy wooden cabin , and she dug her heels into the ground .
10 As she turned into her house he threw her things into the doorway .
11 The chill air cooled her face and seemed to sweep her problems into the distance .
12 Hari thrust her worries into the back of her mind and helped her mother to sit up against the pillows .
13 Jessamy piled her bags into the boot of Julius 's car , then slid into the front seat , which was of soft leather and almost too comfortable .
14 Following on from the IWM 's history of Duxford work , Mary is now getting her teeth into the service history of the IWM/Shuttleworth combined Sea Hurricane I restoration project .
15 She turned away and placed her watch on the shelf above the sink , then , bending , began stuffing her clothes into the washing-machine .
16 A wave of panic made her fling her arms into the air and take a great leap out of the bed .
17 Now Fincara had filled that space , brought her spells into the centre of his mind , and he was aware of nothing else .
18 He tossed her bags into the room .
19 Anne tried to get her fingers into the jamb , but could not .
20 I helped her put her bags into the taxi and then we sort of kissed goodbye .
21 Hannele , sensing this , whipped down the buttons very quickly and , before pulling down his trousers , put her fingers into the flap of his white cotton underdrawers and freed it .
22 She drifted into sleep , resisting an urge to move closer and press her mouth to his shoulder , combating it by wondering what his reaction might be if she should succumb to an opposing temptation and sink her teeth into the flesh her nails had already marred .
23 He went back to the ballet , he said , after a period of doubt , because he walked into a studio and saw a young woman putting her feet into the rosin box to stop her shoes from slipping : the familiar action , a mixture of habit and discipline and grace , made him realize where his heart belonged .
24 But I do have an apology to make , ’ she confessed unsteadily , digging her nails into the palm of her hand in her lap as his eyes narrowed on her face .
25 ZBIGNIEW Nowacki waited as his blonde 19-year-old companion tucked her legs into the passenger well of his Ferrari Testarossa , slammed the door and put his key in the ignition .
26 She pushed her elbows into the bed to pull herself up , but she was too late .
27 What was stranger still was that she seemed stressed and worried , and kept raising her wings into the wind and bending forward at it and then letting it lift her off her stand to the top of her cage where she stuck out her talons , hovered for a moment and then flopped inelegantly down again to the bare branch .
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