Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun sg] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As she flopped down in a corner seat , Constance looked at the man pushing her case on to the rack opposite .
2 There was a slight clatter as Aggie dropped her trotter on to the plate , demanding , ‘ Who says she 's goin' to stay here ?
3 As he brushed past her , she dropped her head on to the cold stone of the tomb .
4 She dropped her robe on to the stool near by and stepped into the water , sinking slowly down into the warmth .
5 Robyn banged her hand on to the steering-wheel , cursing violently as she did so , and then slumped despondently with her head on her arms for a moment and lived her only recurring nightmare — that one day she would be stranded in some unknown place in the pouring rain in this damned broken-down wreck of a jeep with no one to help her .
6 Caroline hitched her bottom on to the wide windowsill , put up one leg , and leaned back against the frame .
7 Wiping away the first drop , which might be contaminated by perspiration , she waited until a second drop formed , then pressed her finger on to the chemically treated reagent strip .
8 There was one girl there today , she was about fifteen or seventeen and she had to put her coat on over the top of the gown because it was
9 Robyn dumped her holdall on to the floor and sank on to one of the chintzy sofas .
10 Anne came into the kitchen , dumped her handbag on to the table and gawped in astonishment .
11 He watched her climb on to the chair , and she saw him grin at the sight of her sore rump , which she thought must burn as brightly as any beacon .
12 Then to stop her crying , anything to stop that , he had to buy her the set of antique-look brass fire-irons she had set her heart on for the lounge , to give an extra touch of authenticity to the rustic stone fireplace and the imitation-log gas fire .
13 Lindsey was still breathing hard as she strode through hospital reception , with an effort managing to smile at the small group of people sitting there before going through to the consulting-room and flinging her jacket on to the nearest chair .
14 All humour had vanished as he turned to face her , dropping her key on to the stand beside the door , his features stamped with hostility .
15 Well , I 'd just like to say , about the lady who kept her hat on in the house all the time , and if someone called that she did n't like , she would say I 'm just going out .
16 Unclocking her front door , she tossed her anorak on to the wall-peg .
17 She opened her car door , and tossed her handbag on to the passenger-seat .
18 Rachaela tossed her bag on to the bed .
19 He rose and helped her to her feet , steadying her as she eased her weight on to the injured ankle .
20 Just as a wild leopard would store its prey out of the reach of scavengers and rival predators high in the branches of a tree , Harriet took her victim on to the roof out of Elie 's reach .
21 FACTORY workers fed-up with secretary Carolyn Bullock 's dodgy parking hoisted her car on to the firm 's roof with a crane .
22 This morning , Mum had her programme on in the kitchen .
23 Defries continued to shoot , locking her beam on to the diminishing targets and sending light-fast bursts of energy into the shadowy interstices of metalwork high above .
24 Laura unloaded her cargo on to the sofa .
25 Virginia pushed her bike on to the grass-verge and stood under the heavy foliage of the trees for shelter .
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