Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun sg] [prep] the house " in BNC.

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1 Rachaela left Alice and wove her way through the house to the library .
2 She was walking her dog past the house just now and I thought I might bring her in .
3 All through the first part of the interview — the crazy part , when she had been talking about seeing her son in the house — Hank had been telling the straight truth .
4 She was able to talk about herself in a more positive way , and this she attributed to having felt useful and capable when helping her sister-in-law around the house .
5 as if Alan had excused her , Carolyn made her way to the house .
6 One bright April day , a red Mini stopped outside Tullivers and a tall woman , paper fluttering from a gloved hand , made her way into the house .
7 The woman shrugged and made her way into the house .
8 She waited until the car vanished round the bend then waited some more until the whine of the engine was at last lost in the distance , then she slowly made her way into the house .
9 I have to acquaint the House that this House has this day attended Her Majesty in the House of Peers , and that Her Majesty was pleased to make a Most Gracious Speech from the Throne to both Houses of Parliament , of which I have , for greater accuracy , obtained a copy .
10 After kissing her mother , Louise followed her father from the house .
11 What the second Mrs Van Butchell thought of having her predecessor in the house is not recorded , neither was Hunter 's opinion .
12 Within a few days she seemed very accepting of the situation , almost enjoying not having her husband around the house .
13 to keep her company in the house and she went over the other night she said because when the kids are in bed , she 's on her own
14 Turning , she began to retrace her path towards the house .
15 A good girl helps her mother around the house and with the younger children , being especially good if she does so without being asked .
16 However , Ms Mountford took her case to the House of Lords where a dramatic reversal in judicial policy took place .
17 Already making her way around the house , she came to the front and asked a footman to carry a message to Rose Alderley .
18 She could feel Maggie 's distress ; Maggie needed more than to have her care about the house .
19 The scruffy snatcher , who wore a ring on every finger , forced her way into the house after Nicola answered the door .
20 Lunch was taken on the terrace alone beneath the warming rays of the April sunshine , and after that she continued her exploration of the house , amazed at the number of rooms that were apparently shut up and wondering why it was that a man like Marc Alexander Vila would choose to live alone in this enormous and obviously expensive mausoleum .
21 A MOTHER campaigning for a change in County Durham 's education policy for dyslexic children plans to take her appeal to the House of Commons .
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