Example sentences of "[verb] make it [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the fires of the Rising and exposure to the weather in the years immediately after contributed to the decay of the stonework of the facade in a way that has made it hazardous in recent years .
2 In Egypt , the growing reliance on huge imports of cheap grain from the United States has made it uneconomical for local farmers to grow grain , and large tracts of land that once grew food for local consumption now grow strawberries , luxury vegetables and other cash crops for export ( see Steif , 1989 ) .
3 The low level of the aircraft on entering the Harbour and its speed , would have made it impossible for heavy anti-aircraft guns to depress and traverse to follow the aircraft and even difficult for 30mm cannon such as Bofors , even when the aircraft climbed to sixty feet to drop its torpedo .
4 The failure of the DUP to endorse the illegality of working-class loyalists , which stems from a general reluctance to break the law and an evaluation of the present situation which argues that such extreme acts are not yet justified , should have made it unpopular with working-class loyalists and to an extent it has .
5 Etruria had been the world 's most up-to-date factory in the eighteenth century and mining subsidence and the encroachment of other industry had made it unsuitable for modern development .
6 In Vietnam the loss of a small intelligence network to the Japanese had made it essential for operational purposes that it should be replaced and it is at this point that Ho Chi Minh and the American OSS found each other .
7 Handover of the building only took place a couple of days earlier so many hands had made it possible for Mass to be celebrated in a beautiful setting .
8 The Labour government of 74–79 had made it compulsory for local education authorities to reorganise secondary schools along comprehensive lines in the 1976 Education Act , but one of the first acts of the Conservative government of 1979 was to repeal this .
9 Like everyone else in this market , IBM is trying to make it easy for small sites to install so it comes in a wide variety of fixed configurations that encompass various Token Ring , Ethernet wide area network and SDLC attached devices .
10 We must continue to make it clear to potential aggressors , however , that we should strike back with all the means that we judge appropriate , conventional or nuclear .
11 Only when the Bill was amended to make it compulsory for local authorities to provide and maintain facilities for deaf children did the Liberal Government of the day allow the Bill to become law .
12 I have made it clear over recent months , and am happy to repeat today , that we are seeking an agreement at Maastricht that will be acceptable to the House and will enable Europe to move forward together .
13 You may also limit the duration of the Offline run if , for instance , you have only one tape drive and need to make it available for other operations .
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