Example sentences of "[verb] so much [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We fished for several hours without seeing so much as a fin .
2 If I smell so much as a drop of ale on their breaths , they will answer to the King 's Provost Marshal ! ’
3 Listening carefully for any sound that might indicate fitzAlan 's presence , she stretched out a cautious foot , ready to withdraw it immediately if she encountered so much as a hint of him .
4 No comments whatsoever could be found in the first soundings of reactions ‘ which even provided so much as a hint that some or other people 's comrade was in agreement with the attempted assassination ’ .
5 Utter so much as a word about last night 's work and you will be clapped in irons , ’ declared Tyrell .
6 The iron grip Guy had used to subdue her had relaxed into a hold that now cradled rather than constrained , and yet she could n't lift so much as a finger to defend herself , could barely summon the will to press her face harder against the bed in a futile attempt to escape that warm , spine-tingling touch .
7 However , he concluded : ‘ Having to tackle reductions of this magnitude should not be seen so much as a threat to our way of life but as a challenge and an enormous opportunity for the world 's scientists , engineers and industrialists in both the developed and developing countries . ’
8 But in the last TWO years , he 's hardly had so much as a bite here .
9 All this he did to boys without any compulsion or correction ; nay I never heard him utter so much as a word of austerity among us . ’
10 However , before anyone could utter so much as a syllable , the air was rent by the beating sound of an approaching helicopter .
11 And before she could utter so much as a squeak he clapped his hand over her mouth , swung her into his arms , and they were out of the flat and into his car without so much as a curtain twitching .
12 And if I hear so much as a whisper that you have been broadcasting our private affairs around the country … ’
13 The Kefauver report is mentioned in passing but neither the Hubert Humphrey follow-up , nor Morton Mintz 's massive By Prescription Only , nor Rick Carlson 's The End of Medicine get so much as a mention .
14 ‘ If you think I 'd dream of sharing so much as a blanket with you after that you 're crazy ! ’
15 Gabriel had never in his life contemplated stealing so much as a flea from a dog .
16 Now the Brentnall Street premises the club 's fourth headquarters do n't have so much as a bike stand .
17 They 're lucky to get so much as a mouthful .
18 ‘ When you get really hungry you 'll be sorry you gave so much as a mouthful away . ’
19 No commercially-made version gives so much as a hint of its true nature . )
20 The attack on a dichotomy of form and content has been persistent in modern criticism ; to change so much as a word , the argument runs , is to change the meaning as well .
21 If what she was doing were n't so important she would never have put so much as a foot inside them .
22 If television washes over innocence without leaving so much as a water mark , why bother ‘ exercising control ’ ?
23 The wide formal boulevards of Algiers , the plane-trees with their trunks painted white , the tall graceful white-painted houses with their balconies and shutters , the shade of the square reserved for Europeans : all these reminded him of the France he had loved so much as a child ; the towns of the South — Arles or Nîmes or Avignon , some of the small towns of the Loire .
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