Example sentences of "[verb] from [art] [adj] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 The main differences between the account of the journalist and the sociologist come from the different orientations that each brings to the subject of study .
2 MacMillan has said from the first announcements that it would be a big company ballet , involving a large cast , and he has provided just that .
3 It will be seen from the above comments that the local banks through their Trade Finance Division are in a position to offer real help — it would be foolish to ignore it .
4 It is clear from data on occupations drawn from the decennial censuses that retirement for men over the age of 65 was increasing from 1881 , almost thirty years before the introduction of a state pension ; and modern evidence from the United States gives good grounds for believing that , in some circumstances at least , changes in retirement age over time represent a supply-side factor , with people choosing retirement before they become incapable of work .
5 I think it provides very good value for money , er , I think it will give Shropshire workers some of the protection that they 're lacking from the statutory instruments that are being removed , and from the labour market conditions they face , and erm , maybe er , a , a , some successful operations by this er , low pay unit would , would , would improve , improve the position in Shropshire , and maybe er , get employers to , to improve the er , conditions and wages that they offer , so I would certainly support er , option two .
6 The tragedy of these kinds of development is that the opportunity may be lost of creating an integrated community , and of benefiting from the social advantages that can accrue from good design ( Masser and Stroud 1965 ) .
7 As a result they were unable to perceive the direction in which a genuine rehabilitation of price theory must be developed and proceeded instead to construct models which suffer from the very defects that invalidate the perfectly competitive model .
8 Representative democracy , however , whether at national or local level , must be distinguished from the participatory approaches that provide for direct involvement in the policy-making process ( Pateman 1970 ) .
9 Access to the inter-dealer brokers in gilts ( to be distinguished from the different IDBs that act in a similar capacity in the equity market ) is restricted to GEMMs .
10 She realised from the quizzical looks that met this further information that she had made matters worse rather than better .
11 It also happens to have very valuable timber , and the Chilean government is anxious to profit from the dead trees that are interspersed with living ones in the few remaining areas of forest where alerce still occurs .
12 One of my main questions arose from the constant accusations that have been made that Moonies ( and other new religions ) actually brainwash their ‘ victims ’ — this being the only explanation that seemed plausible to many of the parents and friends who had observed the often radical changes in behaviour wrought in those who joined the movement .
13 A bitter weeping was heard from the two reeds that remained , and the king 's son thought , " I caused the death of that poor girl ; I broke off the flower and planted it in the garden of death . "
14 I felt I was n't appreciate anymore and was suffering from the normal jealousies that a father has when the child monopolizes the mother 's attention .
15 Er I think that , that my recollection of the last meeting was that if we could just knock together a Northumberland newsletter a unison newsletter that 's quite clearly coming from the three organizations that represent the membership in Northumberland it would be better than th this national stuff has one union on it , as I see it at the moment .
16 I note from the supplied listings that you 're loading a mouse driver twice — once in CONFIG.SYS and again in AUTOEXEC.BAT .
17 There may be some honesty there , but please do not let us hear from the Liberal Democrats that , if they vote against the Bill this evening , they have anything constructive to offer either existing coal miners or those displaced by restructuring .
18 Pooled estimates of treatment differences were calculated for all 49 studies and compared with the estimate derived from the 16 studies that presented standard deviations for either the 17 or 21 item Hamilton scale .
19 Almost all these poisons are derived from the various substances that have evolved as lubricants for the soft , vulnerable skins of these small animals .
20 These sources include articles and official statements published in ACCOUNTANCY , course and conference notes from the few delegates that still attend external training , and letters and reports already produced within the firm as part of normal client service work .
21 Partly they derive from the economic uncertainties that have upset land values , partly from a disastrous speculation in buying a large area of land in the Thames marshes from the Ministry of Defence .
22 Your lump sum derives from the extra contributions that you and perhaps also your employer have made including ( as from the 1989 Budget ) the value of dependants ' benefits .
23 Little has been written on the subject since then , but one may infer from the few remarks that are made on it that psychologists are no longer so impressed by ‘ the insuperable logical difficulty ’ James believed there to be in the way of saying that the difference between sensations may be one of ‘ place pure and simple ’ .
24 ‘ But I like the Fontana dei Fiumi best , ’ Caroline admitted as they watched the water stream from the carved figures that represented the rivers of four continents .
25 It follows from the foregoing observations that a knowledge of right and wrong has of itself no power to control behaviour .
26 It follows from the foregoing considerations that part ( a ) of question ( 2 ) in the Factortame case ( Case C 221/89 ) must be answered in the affirmative : it is contrary to Community law for a member state to stipulate as a requirement for the registration of a fishing vessel in its national register that the owners and operators of the vessel , whether they be natural or legal persons , or 75 per cent .
27 It follows from the above examples that profit-maximising firms , operating under conditions of certainty , will invest in projects where the rate of return on the investment exceeds the market rate of interest .
28 The demands arise from the particular tasks that lexicographers undertake from time to time , and are predictable only in overall terms .
29 No one knew quite what he did ; sometimes the sounds of country-and-western music drifted out from his study , sometimes he emerged smelling strongly of alcohol , but mostly , judging from the titanic snores that shook the wall of the staffroom , he slept .
30 If science is based on experience , then by what means is it possible to get from the singular statements that result from observation to the universal statements that make up scientific knowledge ?
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