Example sentences of "[verb] they into a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Pot up one or two strawberry plants for a special treat : bring them into a cool greenhouse or conservatory , watering sparingly .
2 In the late 1980s the Cubans manipulated them into a needless confrontation in Angola , which lasted much longer than it should have done because , this time , the Washington team was clumsier .
3 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
4 Flunkeys led them into a private part of La Noblesse where they were warmly greeted by an expansive Grunte , who presented the ladies with a flower and with grave courtesy showed each to her seat .
5 Thus , it can be argued that the impact of the young Elvis Presley was due to the way in which , taking a range of pre-existing musical , lyric and performance elements , he rearticulated them into a new pattern set by the intersection and intermediation of certain images of class ( proletarian ) , ethnicity ( black/poor white ) , age ( ‘ youth ’ ) , gender ( male ) and nationality ( American South ) .
6 These criticisms were ignored ( although delivered by persons of world-wide reputation such as Carl Sauer ) , received a hostile and defensive reaction , or were absorbed by transforming them into a technical issue — rather than facing them as a social and political one .
7 Soon she had formed them into a big circle , like this : —
8 Some researchers have attempted to capture the core meaning of words by decomposing them into a small set of ’ building blocks ’ known as semantic primitives [ Wilks 1973 ] .
9 The man stuffed them into a white plastic bag and ran off .
10 Whereas in management I take the raw clay of inexperience , then shape and mould it into a team of teapots , Vic had an old-fashioned approach , plucking players with natural ability and building them into a cohesive unit but where no player 's unique , individual flair was stifled .
11 The organisers of the conference had amassed the hundreds of rights suggested under 17 different principles , hoping eventually to amalgamate them into a single-page charter and a declaration similar to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .
12 I looked at what all those other glamour pusses produced and I thought , Edna , you can knock them into a cocked hat .
13 After playing through each of these examples individually , combine them into a 12 bar sequence and use different double stops for each chord on each successive chorus .
14 Religion keeps people in an infantile state , but by drawing them into a mass delusion , it succeeds in sparing many people an individual neurosis .
15 Mandy spotted them and waved that they were all right , and Matthew turned and headed them into a safe cove , too .
16 According to ICL , notebooks have two distinct uses : first , they are a user 's only or main machine — so , it must be possible to plug them into a local network , and they must have the functionality of a standard personal computer .
17 Employing the naively biographical paradigm of Gay Authorship , Brief Encounter shows Noel Coward displacing his own fears , anxieties and pessimism about the possibility of a fulfilled sexual relationship within an oppressively homophobic culture by transposing them into a heterosexual context .
18 The families along the river were closely related and inter-marriage had fused them into a larger unit .
19 But there will be those who will grab the trends and steer them into a new direction .
20 Then he divested her of her stockings , tossing them into a shimmering heap on the floor .
21 You simply plug them into a convenient socket outlet inside the house ( protected by an RCD ) and put away once you 've finished using them .
22 The aim of the three-to-seven-year leasing programme is to free 1,250 pubs from the brewers ' tie before the November deadline , rather than try to sell them into a depressed market .
23 Then he bundled them into a stolen car in their nightclothes .
24 One may wish to study the statistics of word usage or word order with a view to understanding a text better , to catch nuances of meaning and perhaps to render them into a different language .
25 This combination of specimens could be recognized either by grouping them into a single genus or into a tribe , and on present evidence I favour the latter alternative and suggest the Afropithecini as a suitable name .
26 It was a busier time for us because we had to feed the the the six of them w we put them into a big shed and they just slept there but we we gave them their dinner , they managed to make their own breakfast and their tea whatever They had bread and stuff like that but we had to make their dinner for them .
27 And I thought , well I 'll break it down so That was what it was , I 'd pulled all the fractions together , put them into a common denominator .
28 The second key let them into a vaulted stone cellar , and groping torch in hand along the far wall behind the piled casks of wine , Thomas brushed the cobwebs from a low , insignificant door .
29 Retirement , when it comes , hits these people unnecessarily hard , and can propel them into a downward spiral of lethargy and depression , leading to premature death .
30 Whilst it is not incorrect to identify all of these as sources , or illustrations , of moral indignation of one sort or another — indeed there are significant connections between them — attempting to fit them into a historical framework which appears to allow only for movements in one direction , i.e. permissiveness followed by control , results in a degree of historical inaccuracy .
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