Example sentences of "[verb] they [conj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A patch of lights off to the right revealed the presence of a town which slowly orbited them and disappeared into the darkness .
2 We can use affirmations to bring a positive , joyful attitude to life in general — either using them as needed during the day , or putting aside a few minutes every day to affirm our beliefs .
3 ‘ I regret some of the changes , but I think you 've got to accept them and move with the times , however unfortunate that may be . ’
4 Wiping it away with his handkerchief , he closed his eyes , opened them and looked round the room , then back at the newsprint in front of him , as if he might have been dreaming or have imagined it .
5 Corbett joined them and waited for the tankards to empty before good-naturedly bullying Ranulf into collecting their horses and making their way back on to the deserted track to Godstowe .
6 When Jesus had returned to his Father the apostles did as he had told them and returned to the city .
7 They seem to have peaked in the winter when nature itself can be grey enough , or maybe I just remember them as peaking in the winter .
8 It was some time before we retrieved them and went into the piggery .
9 He picked up the books one by one , opening them at the title page , watching every movement of her pen as she signed them and commenting on the brilliance of each individual plot .
10 Both of these lads had bits and pieces on their clothes and bodies that placed them as killed in the house where they were buried .
11 Yeah but then he 'll , we should be able to manage then to pay the mortgage and pay them and keep on the level peg .
12 No official reason was given for the dismissals but commentators interpreted them as adding to the shift of power from the police to the Army .
13 Yes , as a as a as a porter or a a a erm what they what used to call them that worked on the line , there was a special name for the li the people that read repaired the lines .
14 We cut down to the riverbank before we reached them and walked along the water 's edge out of sight of the buildings above .
15 By Nov. 1 1943 the German C-in-C Southeast had concluded ‘ that Tito 's forces had to be treated as a full military threat and not merely as insurgents and that it was more important to defeat them than to prepare against the less likely threat of an Allied landing ’ .
16 Economic growth in Latin America has accumulated benefits in the hands of a few , rather than distributing them as predicted by the modernists .
17 Buses could more effectively operate them when integrated with the rest of the bus network , which would also enhance its profitability .
18 Whatever surfaces are provided , the fish often ignore them and spawn on the side of the tank .
19 Research shows that fire bells induce panic and confusion or , even worse , people ignore them and wait for the PA announcement to say that the bells were a false alarm and everybody can now go back to bed .
20 With the establishing of sections , it is vital that the members no the member knows what avenues are open to them and what facilities and rights they have , and how to utilize them and contribute to the running of the union .
21 She left them and went up the stairs which led to the bedroom she shared with Pet .
22 This arrived so soon we could n't believe there had been time to make them and get to the Matterhorn !
23 These apply to the area of the local authority which makes them and apply to the conduct of people within the area of the local authority .
24 But I mean i i certainly if you go through the , the early bits erm I mean i i i if you take well okay the , the organization bit to begin with , but then hitting the landlords politically er you know y you 're , you 're checking their accounts , you 're imposing their fines when they 've been a bit naughty , you 're letting contributions erm you 're crowning them and going through the streets , you 're locking them up , you 're banishing some of them , you might be executing some of them but i it 's , it 's only specifically where they 've offended against your , your view of the moral economy , where they , where they 've sort of been naughty in terms of
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