Example sentences of "[verb] with the [det] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Governor 's sanctum was a leviathan suffused with the same dreary red light .
2 President Roosevelt broadly favoured trusteeship for dealing with the former western colonial territories in South-East Asia occupied by Japan in 1941–42 .
3 Now both of us were being served with the same standard British Airways scrambled egg and bacon breakfast .
4 The News of the World 's vision should stand with the many other bizarre sightings of that year , blending as it did fear of modernity evil American sophistication — the threat of revamped Limehouse opium dens , courtesy of Indica 's Indian music , and the throwback to holiday camp drilling thanks to ‘ organized ’ LSD experiences .
5 The new agency would be directed by Yuri Koptev , who had worked with the former Soviet military complex VPK , and would had a staff of 150 people .
6 The federal Ministry of the Interior announced on Sept. 6 that the World Federation of Trade Unions ( WFTU ) , the International Union of Students ( IUS ) and the International Organization of Journalists ( IOJ ) — all closely associated with the former international communist system — would no longer be allowed to base their activities in Czechoslovakia .
7 Both simulations are performed on a 200x200 square lattice with fixed boundary conditions , and start with the same random initial configuration with 10% defectors ( and 90% cooperators ) .
8 Many are being refitted with the same smart new decor which will make them easier to spot on the high street .
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