Example sentences of "[verb] with [art] [det] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Using a brush dipped lightly in purple food colouring ( mixed with a little water for lighter shades ) , colour the windows dark purple and tint the bricks all over the towers different shades of lavender .
2 Raglan seams can be designed with the same number of rows on both the armholes and body pieces if required ( so that patterns , stripes , decorative decreasings and so on , will match up at the seams ) , although a certain amount of trial and error with various measurements is necessary to achieve this .
3 There are several styles and sizes of lodges to choose from , each designed with the same aim in mind … the ultimate in luxuriousness .
4 In particular , the copper phenanthroline hypersensitive bands at positions -4 , -5 , -6 ( Fig. 5 lanes 1 , 3 , 5–10 ) which are characteristic of the unwound DNA structure of the open complex appear with the same intensity for all enzymes .
5 Alternatively , fly with the same company on August 29 from Luton for seven-nights self-catering on the Costa Blanca for £219 .
6 Control cells were transfected with the same amount of Bluescribe DNA .
7 Just a means to get what I want with the least amount of trouble . ’
8 But at the moment , I can not speak with the same feeling of achievement about caring for er , elderly , the elderly relative , whereas I think I can say with conviction we 've done quite a lot for those with small children .
9 Duncan Kenworthy , the producer of the two Storyteller series , and John Stephenson , the animatronics expert will explain how it was all done with a little help from some of their fellow creatures .
10 Silk is selected with the same degree of care , and although it can sometimes be a little uneven to the touch , is generally of high quality .
11 French Prime Minister Michel Rocard conceded that the initiative had " not met with the least response from the Iraqi side " .
12 In the Lutheran lands the ‘ spiritual song ’ was cultivated with the same variety of treatment , often by the same composer .
13 Of course it is considered better to have a boy , but the birth of a girl is celebrated with the same joy by the women in the family .
14 Often caused a plant which can , according to ordinary rules , be transplanted at one place , not to admit of this being accomplished with the same advantage at another place , but particular treatment is often required at each place .
15 Stack claim that the gun is balanced for colour as well as brightness of the image but all the games seemed to play with the same degree of accuracy even with a black&white image .
16 A further £312 million could be avoided with a little effort by either changing behaviour or by choosing more tax-efficient products which involve more detailed financial planning .
17 Company commitment and the willingness to remain with the same firm for long periods may therefore be underpinned by the prospect of heavy sacrifices that accompany the alternatives .
18 I just want to go with the least amount of gear I can get away with , be able to troubleshoot it myself and keep it simple .
19 In the first such case in the UK , Leeds-based John Richardson Computers Ltd has successfully argued that copyright should protect the look and feel of a program ; the court decided that a plaintiff does not need to show source code has been copied to prove infringement , and that copying non-literal aspects of a program , such as structure and organisation , could well constitute infringement ; the company 's dispute arose with a former employee over rival applications aimed at the pharmaceutical industry ; in the past , copyright cases have dealt exclusively with copying of actual program code .
20 Typically they are geographically mobile , living relatively far away from kin , work and friends ; they separate work from leisure and do not always socialise with the same group of people who all know each other .
21 A problem can arise with the latter type of pod , where the terminals of the batteries used are not very high , and the wrap around casing of the batteries causes the base contact area to be recessed .
22 I feel far mo , less sympathy and far less identification with her than I perhaps do with a male worker who has to cope with the same kind of exploitation that I do , day in , day out .
23 It is a rogue professional body , and it is being treated with the same kind of contempt that the air traffic controllers were treated by the Reagan administration in the United States . ’
24 The belief that ‘ meaning is in the text ’ , which represents a particular and currently powerful aspect of the search for ‘ literal meaning ’ , should be treated with the same scepticism with which we confront Luther 's claims .
25 Her hair , which is down to her bum , and a colour of gold one only gets with a little help from Miss Clairol , was an absolute mess from the wind .
26 Bonhams has announced that its turnover from the first quarter of 1992 is 34 per cent up compared with the same quarter of 1991 .
27 Scientific tests recorded a great reduction in satiety level when subjects were fed apple juice ( apples with their fibre removed ) compared with the same quantity of apples eaten whole .
28 The first important point , however , is that compared with the same point on the economic cycle 10 years ago , manufacturing volume is up three quarters , productivity is up half and output is up one third .
29 I just want to tell you , time I done that done that on a number of spreadsheets compared with the same label on one , on one
30 The price farmers receive for agricultural products in the European Community fell by 11.8% in real terms in the last quarter of 1992 compared with the same period of 1991 .
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