Example sentences of "[verb] you a [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Shall I buy you a skirt for the beginning of term ?
2 You 've got an address , if you give that to the collators departments they can give you a name for the occupier can they ?
3 Egypt 's ancient past is impressively recreated in the hotel 's interiors with its rooms adorned with original Egyptian paintings and ceramics , which will certainly give you a taste for the Egyptian Museum just across the road .
4 Send the photograph frames by registered post to Hampton Utilities ( Birmingham ) Ltd , 15 Pitsford Street , Hockley , Birmingham B18 6LJ ( 021–554 1766 ) , explaining what needs to be done : the company will then give you a quotation for the work .
5 So we 'll have a coffee break and then what I want you to do when you come back is I 'll give you an objective for the talk that you 're going to give based on that you 've just done and then I want you to select three themes and three sub-themes that will support the objective that you 'll then be able to use .
6 If a builder has already worked with you to obtain the above , he will also give you an estimate for the work .
7 When we receive the Goblin Steamatic in good condition , we will send you a cheque for the full purchase price within seven working days .
8 It was yet another of the advantages of belonging to the working class , like always knowing someone who would send her son round to unblock the sink , lay a carpet , get the cat down from the tree , lend you a van for the evening or sell you trainers and tracksuits cheap .
9 It 's faster , more revealing , gives you a feel for the person you are talking to and the chance to encourage off-the-record remarks .
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