Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] [adj] [noun pl] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the day had been wet , the kitchen range would be surrounded by a huge clothes horse hung with wet washing , and the room would smell of steam and drying clothes .
2 Nwachukwu 's statement at the opening session that the tribunal would hear the cases of both military personnel and civilians was attacked by the Civil Liberties Organization , which filed a suit in the High Court on June 2 , requesting that his statement be declared illegal .
3 The Board of Directors was appointed by the Ministry of Transport after consultation with , and nominated by the National Ports Council , the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom and Firth of Forth Shipowners Association , the British Shipper 's Council and Forth Ports Estuary Committee , Edinburgh Corporation , Buckhaven and Methil Burntisland and Kirkcaldy Town Councils , representatives of the Organised Labour , plus two Principal Officers of the Authority Management Group .
4 The trip was organised by the Offshore Supplies Office with support from 48 companies wanting to ensure that UK capability was fully appreciated by countries which could become leading export markets for technology developed in the North Sea .
5 The 7th Edinburgh Peace Festival will open on Saturday with a one-day conference organised by the United Nations Association at which the principal speakers will include George Robertson , MP , Labour 's foreign affairs spokesman ; Professor Paul Wilkinson , of the chair of international relations at St Andrews University , and Commander Robert Green , RN ( retd ) , the UK chairman of the international World Court Project .
6 A meeting of those concerned in educating both undergraduates and new graduates in industry and research in the techniques and applications of thermal methods has been organised by the Thermal Methods Group .
7 MIDDLESBROUGH , which is at the forefront of efforts to encourage the country 's disabled to take up sport , hosted regional table tennis championships organised by the British Sports Association for the Disabled at the weekend .
8 The workshop , which was supported by WACC , was organised by the Asian Students Association ( ASA ) in Yogyakarta , Indonesia , 11–23 November 1992 .
9 According to the US Department of Agriculture , American apple growers lost $125 million in the six months following the scare over the preservative Alar , which was claimed by the Natural Resources Defence Council ( NRDC ) to cause cancer .
10 But Howard Klein , chairman of Owners Abroad , was ‘ delighted ’ with the outcome , and rejected the criticism of Thomas Cook , which is owned by the German tours group , LTU , and Westdeutsche Landesbank .
11 Still a device was invented to cover up the disappearance of an old landmark ; and at the accession of Her present gracious Majesty , she was unlawfully proclaimed by a new title ‘ Head of the Commonwealth ’ , subsequently legalised by the Royal Titles Act 1953 , against which I am proud to recall that I protested in my place in the House of Commons .
12 His professional engineering career started on the truck side , and he sees his task mainly as miniaturisation to bring all the advantages of power and economy enjoyed by the heavy goods diesel driver down to the size where they can also be of benefit to the motorist .
13 Another study reported by the Equal Opportunities Commission ( address on page 146 ) in their book Carers and Services , which compares the situation of men and women looking after dependent elderly relations , shows that 59 per cent of all carers are women .
14 It reflects , for instance , the attitudes fostered by the German standards office through the DIN ( the Deutsche Industrie-Norm , or Industrial Standard ) .
15 There is no excuse for being caught by a marked police vehicle — but there 's not much you can do about unmarked cars or cameras .
16 The weir will be the second of its kind on the river and was designed by the National Rivers Authority to keep gravel spawning beds clear of silt .
17 The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany stated that events in Great Britain , but also more recent developments in the Federal Republic of Germany with regard to the increasing purchase of firms by fishing undertakings from other member states and the attempted re-flagging of fishing vessels from other member states , showed that the stability objective pursued by the Common Fisheries Policy might be impaired .
18 For the projected sales and costs ( budget ) in the forthcoming year , which need to be drawn up whether or not they are used for obtaining bank finance , the haulier could use the profit-and-loss budget form recommended by the Small Firms Service of the Department of Trade and Industry ( see below ) .
19 This change has been recommended by the Legal Services Ombudsman , and will require a change in the law , expected to come into force at the beginning of 1994 .
20 If the matter is not resolved by the small claims procedure it may go forward to a full hearing before a County Court judge in the normal way .
21 The program implements a prescan of the data to determine parameters that can not be resolved by the direct leastsquares method of analysis .
22 These initial submissions were considered by the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee .
23 This was considered by the Legal Services Committee which advised the Chairman of the Bar that the way out of the dilemma was to invite the CPS/GLS to withdraw their application .
24 They will then be considered by the Restrictive Practices Court to decide if they are fair and reasonable , unless the Office of Fair Trading recommends that reference to the court is unnecessary on the basis that the terms are reasonable .
25 They were being addressed by the National Rivers Authority environmental quality manager , Mr Malcolm Colley .
26 Other literary manuscripts acquired are papers of Sylvester Douglas , Baron Glenbervie , including material on Gavin Douglas 's Works , and sermons of Robert Douglas , Bishop of Dunblane ( presented by the British Records Association ) ; a sheet of miscellaneous poetry by Robert Burns , n.d. , including part of ‘ Fête Champêtre ’ ; and verses of Robert Tannahill , n.d .
27 The Harman study looked at the ninety-six cases which had been decided by the Registered Homes Tribunal between 1985 and 1989 .
28 The tests done by the National Rivers Authority are different from those that we are doing .
29 The Sri Lanka Environmental Journalists Forum ( SLEJF ) has been selected by the United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ) to receive the Global 500 Award in recognition of its outstanding contribution to environmental reporting .
30 This has tended to be focussed on Afro-Caribbeans ( hereinafter called Blacks ) and considerable publicity has been given in the press to their over-representation in the arrest statistics collected by the Metropolitan Police District ( M.P.D. i.e. London ) .
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