Example sentences of "[verb] at the [adj -est] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Motorways are dangerous enough place at the best of times .
2 Oh I think there 's no doubt about that and also their their their wages were low in the beginning you know and and their their their hard work that they 've put into it for the last you know I mean it had it I mean David Price says at the best of times is not easy to run a quarry you know you know and they they ha all work in a quarry so it had to be a cooperation and you know the management said you come up with us and and they were n't complaining actually about the wages it was quite good wages for .
3 ‘ Which does n't go far beyond maim , raze , kill at the best of times , if you remember , ’ Rosheen said .
4 A salmon is slippery enough to handle at the best of times , but one of this size … .
5 She hated losing at the best of times but this was the worst .
6 A serious petrol shortage is only making things worse — bus travel , crowded at the best of times , is now cruel and inhumane .
7 Such a transfer is difficult to achieve at the best of times .
8 It is difficult to achieve at the best of times , but is , perhaps , especially problematic in education .
9 All at once she began to laugh , and her anger , never very swiftly roused at the best of times , left her entirely .
10 ‘ I disapprove of killing at the best of times , Ace , but , and this is vitally important , you must never kill anyone with a role in recorded history if you can possibly avoid it .
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