Example sentences of "[verb] at the [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Motorways are dangerous enough place at the best of times .
2 The investments are reported at the lower of cost and net current value , the latter based on the enterprises ' most recent accounts .
3 Oh I think there 's no doubt about that and also their their their wages were low in the beginning you know and and their their their hard work that they 've put into it for the last you know I mean it had it I mean David Price says at the best of times is not easy to run a quarry you know you know and they they ha all work in a quarry so it had to be a cooperation and you know the management said you come up with us and and they were n't complaining actually about the wages it was quite good wages for .
4 ( I 'm always , in my innermost being , the starving actor — you know , the one who shouts ‘ Quick , auditions at the National for chorus and scene shifting . ’
5 ‘ Which does n't go far beyond maim , raze , kill at the best of times , if you remember , ’ Rosheen said .
6 Whilst we talk freely about a " car " when looking at the thousands of bits ( or entities , in CAD terms ) there is no one part that contains the " true essence of a car " .
7 Around 5pm Michaela arrives at The Ritzy by car from London .
8 It requires that such transfers should be made at the lower of cost and net realisable value at the date of transfer .
9 Current asset investments are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value , although for transferable securities held as current assets the higher of cost and market value may be adopted .
10 Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value .
11 Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value .
12 Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value .
13 In order to conform with SSAP9 , companies must include a note in their accounts to the effect that : ’ Stocks are valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value .
14 In order to conform with SSAP9 , most companies include a note in their annual accounts to the effect that : ’ The individual parcels of freehold land held for development are valued at the lower of cost or estimated net realisable value .
15 Alternatively an even briefer statement is sometimes included , such as : ’ Stocks and land , including development costs and construction thereon , are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value . ’
16 Stocks held by the UK Group Companies are to be valued at the lower of cost ( including all relevant overhead expenditure and external sub-contractor costs of processing stock ) and net realisable value [ excluding freight costs ] after making due allowance for obsolete items , slow moving items , unusable items , unsaleable items and nonstandard items .
17 Stocks held by the UK Group Companies are to be valued at the lower of cost ( calculated as direct materials and labour and an appropriate allocation of manufacturing overhead ) and net realisable value [ excluding freight costs and disposal costs ] .
18 Other precious metal stocks owned by the group , which are unhedged , are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value .
19 These are valued at the lower of cost , including attributable overheads , and net realisable value .
20 Stocks and work in progress are valued at the lower of cost , including appropriate manufacturing overheads , and net realisable value .
21 The properties were previously shown at the lower of cost and net realisable value , as required by the Companies Act .
22 A salmon is slippery enough to handle at the best of times , but one of this size … .
23 Let's look at the five in turn and see how they apply to you and what you can do to counteract any harmful effects they may be having on your life .
24 It must have been hard for a short , drunken man to do at the dead of night . ’
25 She hated losing at the best of times but this was the worst .
26 After a stop for lunch ( not included ) your coach will take you to the famous Keukenhof Flower Gardens where you can spend the afternoon at leisure wandering around the 65 acre estate and marvel at the millions of flowers displayed with perfect artistry in the greenhouses and beautiful landscaped gardens .
27 Visit the famous Keukenhof Gardens and marvel at the thousands of flowers displayed with perfect artistry in the greenhouses and beautiful landscaped gardens spread across the 65 acre estate .
28 So my Lord on the twenty sixth of September , a Thursday , contracts were exchanged er and that completion date was then fixed at the eighteen of October and those facts are admitted , there is no dispute about those .
29 Then I laughed at the first of Danny Kelly 's many amusing jokes , met The World 's Greatest Rock Photographer , realised there was no NME clique , and knew I 'd found my spiritual home .
30 When we performed at The Intimate in Palmers Green , he was paid £7.10 and at the Mercury Theatre in Notting Hill Gate , I think he was paid about £4 .
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