Example sentences of "[verb] at [adv] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Thus , where landlords were entitled to determine a twenty-one year lease " at the expiration of fourteen years if they shall require the premises for the purposes of a business carried on by them " it was held to be sufficient for them to show that they would need at least part of the premises before the date on which the lease would otherwise have expired by effluxion of time ( Parkinson v Barclays Bank Ltd [ 1951 ] 1 KB 368 ) .
2 He subsequently went into partnership ; Stratford Mills were operated by Biddle and Bishop during the 1830s , although in later years , other tenants such as corn merchants , Reynolds and Allen , occupied at least part of the mills .
3 If he wo n't deal , we 'll send formal notice to King Henry , and see that the law has at least knowledge of the matter . ’
4 The government had to increase its grant to the Arts Council in order to replace at least part of the subsidies these county authorities had paid to support cultural activities .
5 About three-quarters of the most senior teachers had seen at least part of the booklet , whereas only 15 per cent of the most junior had , with 60 per cent and 40 per cent for the upper and lower middle status categories respectively .
6 The argument that the position of the Phillips curve depends on inflationary expectations may provide at least part of the explanation for the empirical breakdown of the original Phillips curve in the late 1960s .
7 The pharmacokinetics of morphine may provide at least part of the explanation , but there are too few data to justify the editorial 's subheading ( morphine-3-glucuronide does not , by the way , bind to opiate receptors ) .
8 That most schools give at least lip-service to the importance of this fact is obvious in the development of courses variously titled " study skills " , " library skills " , " information skills " and so on .
9 ‘ BHP should have used at least part of the money to invest in new technology and upgrade and improve its competitive standing in Australia . ’
10 Could not private investment fill at least part of the gap ?
11 You may prefer to pay more for a course geared specifically to the needs of health visitors rather than something more general , and may be able to recoup at least part of the costs of attending a course from your local continuing education budget .
12 If we wish to know why hysteria is now so rare and why modern forms of psychopathology in general seem so often removed from their classical , nineteenth and early twentieth-century manifestations , we may now be in a position to give at least part of the answer .
13 But from the very fact that a religious authority who was comparable with the Pope , and for whose position no precedent seems to have existed in the Ottoman state except , perhaps , in its earliest , almost legendary days , appears on the scene relatively suddenly in the time of Murad II , it seems possible to deduce at least part of the reason for the foundation of the institution .
14 Almost a quarter of a random sample of adults dying in 1987 had spent at least part of the last year of their lives in a residential or nursing home ; one in eight spent all of that year in one .
15 A further 9 per cent of the people who died spent at least part of the last twelve months of their lives in such homes ; so almost a quarter , 23 per cent , were in residential homes at some stage in the last year of their lives .
16 The turn of the century saw at least part of the site turned over to saw milling , but by 1911 Gladman and Co , piano makers , were there .
17 There are , for instance , mnemonic devices in oral cultures which offer some resistance to this process : ‘ formalised patterns of speech , recital under ritual conditions , the use of drums and other musical instruments , the employment of professional remembrancers — all such factors may shield at least part of the content of memory from the transmuting influence of the immediate pressures of the present ’ ( 1968 , p. 31 ) .
18 In Piagetian terms they assimilated the language to what they knew , yet managed to preserve at least part of the meaning .
19 But it began to look as though they were destined to attend at least part of the party .
20 That issue has been sharpened even further by the fate of the millions of Jews murdered in Nazi extermination camps — a fate for which centuries of Christian anti-semitism must bear at least part of the blame .
21 Two of these cosmids ( 1D4 and 2H2 ) contain at least part of the α- galactosidase A gene and the remaining three ( 1G5 , 2F10 and 1B2 ) contain the ATK locus .
22 Tajan hoped to recuperate at least part of the FFr30 million by holding another auction in Tokyo last June ( see The Art Newspaper No.16 , March 1992 , p.18 ) .
23 More specifically , we have found that there are adaptive reasons that seem to explain at least part of the variation that Lewontin cites in each of his examples .
24 Many large companies , including Merrill Lynch , Shearson Lehman , and Bear Stearns , have allowed employees to take at least part of the bonus money they expect to earn before December 31 .
25 This required every Elf to spend at least part of the year as part of a military force , and to provide wargear for himself .
26 Were he to be called in the immigration debate Joshua would most certainly abandon the bookshop where he planned to spend at least part of the morning .
27 ‘ In the name of humanity and civilisation , the Government should accept at least part of the international burden , ’ he said .
28 Every Scot knows at least part of the story of the massacre , but many are not aware of the background that led up to the atrocity and too little is known about the heinous wickedness of some of the characters involved .
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