Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] [adj] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They parted at the hatshop and made an arrangement to meet at the same time the following day .
2 It is essential to establish at an early stage the significance of the properties to the operations and overall value of the target business .
3 And Herbert Morrison moved at the same conference a resolution condemning the government 's introduction of conscription : the resolution was carried by more than three to one .
4 But Rostov 's experience of the Empire had not prepared him to find at the same time a complete absence of the poor and underprivileged .
5 Although I was walking at a normal pace the impact stunned me .
6 Utilising at a local level the dynamic model of the building process developed at macro level by the Building and Civil Engineering Economic Development Council ( see ‘ How Flexible is Construction : a Study of Resources and Participants in the Construction Process ’ NEDC HMSO 1978 ) the research is intended to provide a detailed profile of the construction industry into the counties of West Glamorgan and Dyfed .
7 Thus in He can sing the incidence of " sing " to " he " exists as a potential in the present : the person referred to possesses at the present moment the capacity of realizing this action .
8 Now I was looking at the other fella a strong comparison , I was mixing him up with I
9 Looking at the Prime Minister the Collector was overcome by a feeling of helplessness .
10 In Fig. 2 we show at the upper right a typical fragment of foveal retina from one of our preparations .
11 In a linked announcement made at the same time the company unveiled a low-end addition to its 6611 multi-protocol router family — designed to tackle the burgeoning and lucrative branch-office market .
12 A very thick hard rail , which you can hardly get your hand around , is often used in the mid-sections of a race board where speed is important , since when the board is sailed at a slight angle the thick rail digs in providing more lateral resistance and thereby helping the daggerboard .
13 I understand it will be convenient to discuss at the same time the next motion on the order paper that the local government finance amendment report Wales nineteen ninety three , ninety four , House of er in i in in in in inquiry .
14 We also going to identify at an early stage the financial resources that will be in next year in order to meet our obligation with identifying worthwhile all the time and then by a course of are reserved er to , to support
15 As pointed out by the collector and historian van Mander writing in 1604 , ‘ Whoever so desires nowadays has only to go to Prague to the greatest art patron in the world at the present time ; there he may see at the Imperial residence a remarkable number of outstanding and precious , curious , unusual , and priceless works . ’
16 Two lawnmowers going at the same time the neighbours must be annoyed .
17 Yet when one starts to look at the overall picture a little more deeply , will the obvious strengthening of what will be nine single Championship weeks , be anything more than a move which enables the rich to get richer and actually sets into motion what could become a long term contraction , rather than expansion of the sport , especially if the much-needed revival in the world economy takes longer to become bullish than some of the optimists have been forecasting .
18 Cheryl Wragg , 34 , was airlifted 150 miles for the operation , just weeks after 10-year-old Adele 's appeal , only to be told at the last minute the lungs were unsuitable .
19 At an earlier hearing , defence solicitor Colin Nott failed in a bid to have the ban lifted , but successfully appealed at the High Court the next day to have the bail condition lifted so his client could see the baby under supervision .
20 It is an opportunity to experience at a practical level the pleasures of creating a piece of work or joining and dance .
21 When it arrived at the Bate Collection the instrument was found to be basically well cared for .
22 In portraiture he obtained at the same time a good likeness , much appreciated by the sitters and their families , and , in these works and in his more fanciful subjects , he engendered feelings of respect and admiration .
23 As the temperature of the block is raised at a constant rate the sample temperature T s and that of the reference , T r will keep pace until a change in the sample takes place .
24 Both sides noted at an official ceremony the following day that the transfer of JNA troops , facilities and equipment had proceeded without serious incident .
25 This examination will test at a higher level the linguistic skills and business knowledge tested at the Second Level .
26 High winds and snowfalls have , however , grounded at a lower level the powerful US Navy Sea Stallion helicopters used to transport the slabs .
27 Thus , unlike social class , social network does not require us to project at the initial stage a fully-fledged theory of social structure on to the linguistic data .
28 Driving away , I noticed that the vast chimney was still not functioning , but when I called at a neighbouring house a woman showed me videos she had taken of smoke coming from the plant , settling in her garden .
29 Although the method of distributing the resources is tightly constrained by statute there is considerable freedom , within the sharply focused political accountability of the Community Charge , to determine at the local level the quantum to be available to meet the identified local needs .
30 Gavin stuck his head out from under the duvet , giving me cause once more to marvel at the impressive way the lad 's shoulders merged into his head with no apparent narrowing in between ( this appeared to be the principal physical benefit bestowed by the game of rugby ; the acquisition of an extremely thick neck , just as the most important thing one could take to the sport was a thick skull , and from it an intact one still in satisfactory two-way communication with one 's spinal cord ) .
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