Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] [num ord] [noun] by " in BNC.

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1 And Nick Cusack nearly put them ahead soon after with a 25 yard strike , saved at the second attempt by the County keeper .
2 Their daughter , Georgiana , is a pathetic creature , utterly crushed by the magnificence of her parents ; she falls an easy prey to the Lammles ' schemes to marry her off to Fledgeby , but is saved at the last moment by a change of heart on Mrs Lammle 's part .
3 The government , I , I find it somewhat disappointing that having put in what I think was an extremely good bid , I think having had that bid accepted at the first stage by government on their shortlist , having then had the bid accepted by the European Union , with the populations really that we submitted to them , we now find that U K government are actually trying trade back some of that population , and , and area coverage of the bid , to be able to use some of that spare capacity which they would generate within the U K , within the European population figure elsewhere within the country .
4 The Comintern 's aim was to convert a nationalist struggle into a broader social struggle ( in accordance with part of its remit ) , but Comintern officials made no serious attempt to fulfil the second part of the resolutions adopted at the Sixth Congress by setting up a Communist party in Nicaragua , which could have given the Sandinista movement an organisational base and therefore the possibility of continuity ( Cerdas Cruz : 1986a , pp. 363–97 ) .
5 These toggles can be automatically reset at the next carriage-return by setting the " Off at CR " option in the Printer Editor to " Yes " .
6 19ff ) ; one of the earliest attested acts of faith centred upon the near sacrifice of a human being ( Isaac , son of Abraham ) , replaced at the last moment by a substitute ram which was given as a burnt-offering ( Gen. 22 ) ; and the first redemption of the embryonic nation Israel involved the smearing of the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorposts and lintels of the Hebrews ' homes in Egypt as a sign to the Angel of Death to leave them in safety ( Exod.
7 Content that all was finally settled , Coleridge was unprepared when his West Country plans were threatened by one further difficulty , raised at the last moment by Tom Poole himself .
8 This level of examination goes beyond the groundwork laid at the First Level by testing more complex writing and understanding , and giving candidates a range of choice , not only of questions that will do them most credit , but of answers that will best suit the circumstances described .
9 This level of examination goes beyond the groundwork laid at the First Level by testing more complex writing and understanding .
10 Along with these measures went the catch-all clause , introduced at the last moment by the Liberal MP Henry Labouchère outlawing all forms of male homosexual contact .
11 The Czech , beaten at the last moment by the Australian , is congratulated on coming second and replies , ‘ But I did n't win . ’
12 This sense of his irreplaceability was reinforced at the last moment by the dramatic and threatening events of the Cuban Missile Crisis , which began just six days before the French voters went to the polls .
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