Example sentences of "[verb] that he had been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After some weeks , Paisley reported that he had been unable to persuade the speaker of the House of Commons to allow the Black case to be raised in an adjournment debate and that he was pessimistic of having it raised in Parliament in any other form .
2 Therefore in borderline cases the prosecution might have to rely on the severity of injury and damage , or the noise of the accident , to help prove to the court beyond all reasonable doubt that the driver must have realised that he had been involved in an accident .
3 Whilst suggesting that he had been keen to run , he explained his decision on the grounds that his obligation to the people of his state came before his personal ambition for the presidency .
4 He was dressed in work clothes — tailored dark grey trousers and a cream shirt — but the latter was open at the neck and he wore no tie , suggesting that he had been ready for a relaxing Friday evening drink .
5 He realised that he had been foolish to risk the search alone , but there was no turning back .
6 In a reflective article for the February 1991 issue of Life magazine , Atwater admitted that he had been one of the " most ardent practitioners " of negative campaigning tactics as manager of Bush 's 1988 presidential election campaign against Michael Dukakis .
7 Mr Reynolds admitted that he had been afraid to eat or drink because of the possible effects on his bowel and bladder .
8 Churchill , as First Lord of the Admiralty , could not explain that he had been conscious of enemy intentions , without giving away the secret that German codes were being broken .
9 His daughter says that he had been ill — the slight differences in his signature might be due to illness . "
10 Not only was he being fearfully indiscreet , but it was said that he had been foolish enough actually to marry her and to install her in a cottage in the palace grounds .
11 Chris was still asleep when Carolyn came home , and she was relieved to hear that he had been fine while she was out .
12 Moreover , the head claimed that he had been able to use the appraisal to make a strong case against a proposed reduction of 7.4 staff , in line with cutbacks planned by the LEA due to falling rolls and reductions in spending .
13 His decision was appealed and the parents claimed that he had been wrong to interpret the 1976 act in such a way as to exclude any case where a claim was made in respect of a person who was born alive but who died from ante-natal injury .
14 They next claimed that he had been responsible for a murder in Belfast which had received considerable publicity .
15 Andrew remarked that he had been involved with such a ceremony previously , when the opening of the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway had been re-enacted on the Brecon Mountain Railway for one of his programmes .
16 Though he had his doubts about al-Megrahi — his ‘ answers to questions were not always convincing ’ — he found Fhimah ‘ a simple man , and it was hard to believe that he had been involved in a terrorist case .
17 Meanwhile Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke last night received an apology from ITN for claiming that he had been late for yesterday 's wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph .
18 Castro subsequently admitted that he had been opposed to the removal of the missiles , and his adamant refusal to allow US inspections to be carried out on Cuban territory ( despite Soviet pressure ) testifies to the anger and resentment that he felt over the fact that matters which vitally affected Cuban sovereignty were settled without his knowledge or consent .
19 He needed to think that he had been well-intentioned , but her consent or inclination did not figure among the considerations with which he weighed the matter .
20 The man said that he had been alone in a cell 4 metres by 5 metres , with only loudspeakers for company for a week .
21 He said that he had been alone on the platform of Grahamston station shortly after midnight waiting to meet a friend on an Edinburgh-bound train .
22 Speaking on an indistinct telephone line from Delhi , Seth admits that he had been worried that A Suitable Boy had grown too big to handle .
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