Example sentences of "[verb] that [art] same [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When night fell we were appalled to find that the same principle had been carried over to the highway .
2 In the second example , the comma is used to signal that the same clause represents new information .
3 It has also long been recognized that the same distinction occurs in attributive adjectives ( see , for instance , Jespersen , 1924 ) .
4 Similar experiments have been done by Blakemore , Hirsch and Spinelli , and others , which show that the same rule applies to other forms of selectivity .
5 It may be thought that the same verdict applies to the third principle as well .
6 In this Marx was similar to many of his contemporaries , such as Spencer or Comte , but he was also very different from them , for he did not believe that the same laws apply to biological evolution as apply to human societies .
7 It is tempting to assume that the same rule applies , but quasar redshifts are , in some cases , very much bigger than any measured galaxy redshift , so the assumption involves considerable extrapolation .
8 Illert reveals that the same equations governing the geometrics of sea shells and flowers also apply to the Cosmos .
9 But ringing has shown that the same birds return year after year to patrol the same wintering areas , the oldest birds having done the round trip up to 30 times .
10 Perhaps the final act , with its slow playing out of Scarpia 's macabre joke , is beyond redemption dramatically ; but how , pray , does Tosca , who exited through vast double doors into a corridor in Act Two , know that the same doors provide , in Act Three , a convenient jumping off point to eternity ?
11 Patterson attests that /a/ was raised after both velars ( /k/ and /g/ ) , and Gregg 's ( 1964 ) lists for Larne ( 20 miles north of Belfast ) indicate that the same pattern has applied there .
12 He had heard about the lack of hospitals , the lack of schools ; heard that the same conditions exist throughout the Third World .
13 A spokesman for the British Field Sports Society said it was the first time he had heard of this happening ; which prompted Chapman Pincher to write in saying that the same thing had happened to him in 1961 ( Daily Telegraph , 21 and 24 December 1987 ) .
14 Writing is a motor skill which ensures that the same words written by different people are distinct — allowing signatures to be used as verification of identity .
15 When a module name is first entered into LIFESPAN , it is checked to ensure that the same name has not already been chosen for another module .
16 Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd. v. Kamsing Knitting Factory ( 1978 P.C. ) established that the same principle applies where the innocent party immediately accepts the anticipatory breach as a repudiation of the contract .
17 This could mean that the same hemisphere carried out both types of match .
18 When the product is the supplier it is naive to suppose that the same rules apply .
19 He could only get temporary relief from certain drugs and it was believed that the same drug contributed to the hardening of the liver which led to his death .
20 The wording of the Chronicle implies that the same force returned in mid-1006 , and Swegen may have accompanied it and remained until the payment of tribute in 1007 ; the twelfth-century chronicler Henry of Huntingdon associates him with the ravaging at this time .
21 To begin with , her assertion that the U.K. undergoes ‘ extreme political shifts ’ sounds most peculiar when one considers that the same party has been in power for over a decade .
22 As I recall , the French poets of the late 19th century said that the same motivation lay behind their startling verse : they wanted to epater la bourgeoisie .
23 From this it is easy to go one step further and to say that the same thing happens in fictional discourse , except that it is a postulated or imagined model of reality — in short , a fiction — that is transferred to the addressee .
24 Juliet did n't like to admit that the same thought had crossed her own mind .
25 It also enabled them to show that the same processes had governed history from the earliest time and that a science of history was therefore possible .
26 For example in the Meteorologica ( 339b27 ) he asserts : ‘ We must say that the same opinions have arisen among men in cycles , not once , twice , nor a few times , but infinitely often . ’
27 Kuhn claims that the same situation exists with respect to paradigms .
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