Example sentences of "[verb] it down on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Taczek hoisted his fist and smacked it down on the table with a hollow bang .
2 And she slammed it down on the desk .
3 ‘ He got what he wanted and slammed it down on the counter .
4 Cranston stuck his red , bulbous nose into a tankard , took one slurp and slammed it down on the table .
5 Sir John drained his tankard and slammed it down on the table .
6 Surprisingly , Cranston agreed , drained the cup and slammed it down on the table .
7 After the third ‘ Carry On ’ , the cast had been offered a profit-sharing scheme — and had all turned it down on the advice of their agents , who thought they would be better off getting increased salaries .
8 She took hold of it and put it down on the floor .
9 Julia got out of bed , took the tray back from Annunziata , put it down on the chest of drawers and hugged her .
10 Just put it down on the side there .
11 I felt disinclined actually to hand to him the piece of paper I was holding , and so put it down on the end of his bed .
12 He sipped at his wine again , then put it down on the arm of his chair and , keeping a finger and thumb on the stem , twisted it one way , then the other .
13 From one of the voluminous pockets he produced a bottle of Scotch and put it down on the table .
14 Well put it down on the table for a minute then .
15 But Bush waited , and then he took something out of his pocket and threw it down on the desk .
16 so , anyway , I just , we 've got it down on the floor and I says if we had a brown suite
17 A wave caught the mast , lifting it high and then slamming it down on the cabin roof .
18 Mr Gillis seemed to delight in slamming it down on the top of the tousled head below .
19 the man said , lifting the card machine from behind the counter and slamming it down on the top .
20 As you recall that successful scene , whenever something comes up that you enjoyed jot it down on the sheet entitled ‘ I would like more of this ! ’
21 Quietly , humbly , Cameron took off his headset and set it down on the floor .
22 They set it down on the floor in the middle of the room , as the T'ang had instructed them earlier , then backed away , heads lowered .
23 I carried a tray across and set it down on the table in the window .
24 He emptied his cup and set it down on the table .
25 Curval took out the slide — it seemed not as carefully as before — and set it down on the table beside him .
26 Taking a cooking bowl from the side he part filled it from the water jar and set it down on the ring .
27 Making a fist Michael smashed it down on the desk in front of him , causing their empty coffee cups to rattle in their saucers .
28 ‘ For take-off and landing , each propeller works like a helicopter rotor , pulling the plane into the sky or letting it down on the helipad .
29 She slapped it down on the table , spilling some of its contents .
30 Haul it back up , then chuck it down on the deck
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