Example sentences of "[verb] it [adj] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Reid 's religion was the love of humanity and she found it hard that the first women 's college should win so very little understanding or support at its outset , especially from men .
2 If they were on a joint engagement and he was trying to make an important speech , he found it irksome that the following day the papers were more exercised with the length of her hemline than his words .
3 Certainly , by the 1740s , the Swedish taxonomist Linnaeus found it incredible that the fifty-six hundred species he had named could have been crammed into the elaborate vessels designed by biblical literalists .
4 My hon. Friend has made it clear that no willing volunteer will be turned away and that anybody who wants to continue to serve with the TA will be able to do so , maybe not with the unit in which he is now serving , but with another unit .
5 And he has made it clear that an all-German election should be held next year at the earliest , not as a quick substitute for the West German one in December .
6 For a long time we have made it clear that the largest restriction on the growth of the transplant programme is the availability of donated organs , although it is not a restriction which has stopped the programme in its tracks .
7 However , the courts have made it clear that the two avenues of approach are still available and this case shows that a failure to establish unfair prejudice does not preclude the winding-up approach .
8 The Bank has made it clear that the implied interest rate in such deals will be designed to discourage the use of the lender of last resort facility by the discount houses .
9 The increased range and penetration of government activity , the tendency for specialised administrative departments to function with little political control , the growing complexity in the affairs of trade unions and other voluntary organisations which led to greater dependence upon professional experts — all these made it imperative that the general public should be better informed than ever before .
10 Does not my hon. Friend consider it surprising that the right hon. Member for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) , who always wants to lecture us about the rule of law although we certainly need no lectures about it from him , comes to the House with , I think , two cases where crookedness was involved ?
11 Who a decade ago would have thought it possible that the chief benefactor of bus deregulation would be BR ?
12 He had not thought it possible that an innocent girl like Cora-Beth could think about such things , let alone voice them .
13 " He was convinced " , wrote Tupper , " that the German man-in-the-street was participating in this senseless and savage struggle because the Prussian system forced him to ; the ordinary subject of the Kaiser might be misled into believing his cause just — but he could not conceive it possible that the German sailormen who had been part of our Merchant Service could have anything but hatred for this catastrophe " .
14 Most stockbroking analysts believe it inevitable that the troubled electronics group will be taken over .
15 Burrows believes that smacking is as necessary as kissing and cuddling , and finds it ironic that the same kind of arguments about parents not knowing when to stop are used to undermine our instincts in both cases .
16 However , Cannes club captain Luis Fernandez , who claimed to be speaking with the authority of the club 's board , said : ‘ We find it unacceptable that the disciplinary committee refused to accept our evidence and that Louis Niccolin should be judge and plaintiff at the same time .
17 X is defined as something very like a human eye , sufficiently similar that the human eye could plausibly have arisen by a single alteration in X. If you have a mental picture of X and you find it implausible that the human eye could have arisen directly from it , this simply means that you have chosen the wrong K. Make your mental picture of X progressively more like a human eye , until you find an K that you do find plausible as an immediate predecessor to the human eye .
18 Once , after his divorce , she had said : 'l find it extraordinary that a straightforward if inelegant device for ensuring the survival of the species should involve human beings in such emotional turmoil .
19 I find it strange that a new name is mentioned despite the fact that we 've just won two away games .
20 Those who find it objectionable that an aesthetic problem should be taken so seriously may be assured that art represents the highest task and the true metaphysical activity of this life : witness the illustrious pioneer on my path , to whom I dedicate this essay .
21 If they feel it likely that a high-fibre diet , which also reduces sugar and fat , will be particularly beneficial to slimmers — as they do — we need hardly say more .
22 He thought it scandalous that a new type of higher education had emerged ‘ as a result of piecemeal decisions , often ill-prepared , and taken in conditions of near total secrecy , and which is simply not geared to meeting the country 's most pressing requirements ’ .
23 Informed sources in the Caribbean thought it likely that the political maneouvrings behind all this were by way of a reprisal for a report by Lord Avebury criticizing Forbes Burnham 's ruling party for election-rigging .
24 I thought it likely that an unruly argument would develop between them , with Syl insisting that no woman could get enough admiration and Lili denying it .
25 There are two reasons society might think it fair that the rich should pay more .
26 The official results announced on Dec. 30 made it apparent that the second round of voting scheduled for Jan. 16 , 1992 , would almost certainly produce a FIS government .
27 The COI also made it widely-known that the shy Blewitt had been made a Freeman of the City of London in recognition of Dunston-based DMB 's skills in tackling the restoration of the city 's Blackfriars Bridge .
28 This did not imply an end to the CME 's fungible link with SIMEX , but it did signal the realisation that regulatory complications made it unlikely that the mutual offset system could be extended around the globe .
29 In the same way , the frequent coinage reforms of the late Roman empire or late Anglo-Saxon England made it unlikely that the previous issues survived for very long after the date of the reform .
30 Both Ken Clarke and my special adviser Nicholas True made it clear that a good speech was ‘ needed ’ at the Party Conference in Blackpool .
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