Example sentences of "[verb] it [adj] [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She moaned softly as he towered above her to loosen her shirt , opening it wide to reveal the lacy silk bra confining her full round breasts .
2 You would not have supposed it possible to aid the Communist cause by stripping , yet Gypsy Rose Lee was banned because years before she had spoken up for the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League .
3 Only later were , was one to find it possible to develop a small comedy action or a small dramatic action on the screen , this would be around nineteen hundred and three , four , five , about five or six years from the beginning , that films of this sort would make .
4 What is new and important is that he should consider it necessary to convey the contrasting opinions of the contemporary Greeks to their Roman masters .
5 Some social geographers might consider it sufficient to emphasize the national issue of distribution , leaving the spatial outcome as a secondary by-product .
6 The words in square brackets should most definitely be included and in addition to avoid a continual stream of persons demanding access to the premises , the tenant may consider it advisable to add the following proviso at the end of this clause :
7 Familiar with his usual belligerent stance , Matthew found it strange to see the brash , self-confident businessman reduced to the kind of helplessness he was now displaying .
8 By the late 1980s , Brazilian inflation had created such a thriving ( and openly tolerated ) black market in foreign currency that some multinationals found it worthwhile to exceed the 12 per cent limit .
9 Even the least sophisticated found it easy to blame the chronic unemployment which afflicted Britain on the war .
10 The Master of Magdalene asked him whether he found it uncomfortable to wear the received garments of a bishop .
11 In Smeaton v. Ilford Corporation Upjohn J. found it unnecessary to express a concluded view on the question whether a local authority exercising statutory duties is altogether outside the rule as suggested by Denning L.J. , or prima facie within the rule subject only to express or implied statutory modification as tentatively suggested by Evershed M.R. in the Pride of Derby case .
12 In adapting it to a.c. operation , Heydweiller found it necessary to incorporate the extra variable resistor of resistance R 2 compared with the Carey Foster version .
13 Indeed the great legal code of King Hammurabi found it necessary to include a few consumer protection laws governing the sale of alcoholic beverages .
14 His polemical attitudes were somewhat softened when it seemed that he might have to act upon them , and he found it necessary to disavow the political and social activism which members of the Moot such as Karl Mannheim wished to pursue .
15 Within two years the new Labour government found it necessary to appoint a Royal Commission to investigate the arrangements the Conservatives had put in place , and review the organisation of the NHS once more .
16 From an early stage in fieldwork I found it necessary to make a special index to notes which recorded what Zuwaya said about the past , for it was clear that these references and descriptions were recurrent themes .
17 Vera Coppard , attending St Christopher 's School at Letchworth , found it hard to take the persistent jokes about her being a Germany spy .
18 Although other contracts followed , he found it hard to sell a wider news service , and The Times was particularly recalcitrant .
19 I said at the time that reports are ALWAYS one sided when the score is 3–0 or 4–0 , this coupled with what I actually heard on radio 5 and what Ive seen of the goals is that Leeds had plenty of the ball , just found it hard to break a 6,7,8 man defence , and norwich looked dangerous on the counter attack .
20 Fans who revelled in their former three-minute long pop simplicity found it hard to recognise the new solemn might .
21 He found it hard to integrate the required skills of Matthew Le Tissier into his side which annoyed the fans .
22 She also had severe perceptual problems and found it hard to recognize the different parts of her body or to know where objects were in relation to herself .
23 Agreeing with Li , Rao added that India found it hard to accept the Western concept of human rights " in its entirety " .
24 The first is that it turned out , political intentions notwithstanding , that the officers of the NCC saw in the National Curriculum a way to ensure that all pupils would share a common curriculum , a goal they already espoused , and that the DES found it unexceptionable to present the National Curriculum in this way .
25 He found it difficult to pick the right words .
26 Many women found it difficult to put an exact figure on the amount of time they spent on the various areas of farm work .
27 Engels always found it difficult to control the wild swings of his enthusiasms .
28 I left the team because the low pay would not cover the cost of my share in a mortgage to buy my own flat , and because I found it difficult to reconcile the separate roles of paid worker and friend , when Helen and Elizabeth recognised no such distinction .
29 Soviet allies sometimes found themselves opposed to each other ( such as the Ba'athist governments of Syria and Iraq , or Ethiopia and Somalia ) , and others entered into agreements with Soviet adversaries ( both Angola and Mozambique , for instance , signed non-aggression agreements with South Africa in 1984 , and Soviet clients generally found it difficult to resist the powerful influence of Western governments and corporations , or in the case of Ethiopia , relief agencies ) .
30 Mary-Claude still found it difficult to match the popular image of America with her experience of it .
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