Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] [art] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Never leave a chip pan unattended ; better still , replace it with a thermostatically-controlled deep fryer .
2 After the new dpc has been installed it is essential to remove all the old plaster from the affected areas and replace it with a special waterproof plaster developed for the purpose .
3 We have developed a procedure for quantifying a specific mRNA purifying it with a selected biotinylated oligonucleotide ( sbODN ) and measuring its absorbance by free solution Capillary Electrophoresis ( CE ) .
4 She ranged it beside a dozen other pots and jars and bottles on her dressing-table and it looked well .
5 The expression on his face had grown hard and grim as he 'd scanned the paper in his hands , before angrily crunching it up into a ball and hurling it into a nearby waste-paper basket .
6 The legislation transformed it into a new central bank and introduced a new tier of commercial banks and other lending institutions .
7 And send it to the given stamped envelope .
8 No , they send it in a bloody big one .
9 The birth his birthday was twenty four months , that means from when you can buy it for a new born baby or somebody up to two years old , will be suitable for it .
10 Manager Lennie Lawrence described it as a good old-fashioned scrap .
11 Louis pushed his plate away from him , took the chop bone and tossed it to the springer who caught it with a single sharp snap .
12 In August-September 1982 it proved unable to clinch a peace treaty with its Maronite ally , having effectively installed it as the new Lebanese government .
13 He has felt the presaging shadow of death , and he goes to meet it in the old unchanging way of the wild — alone .
14 On appeal by the taxpayers , the Appellate Committee having heard the appeal but before judgment referred it to an enlarged Appellate Committee to determine the question whether the existing exclusionary rule relating to the construction of statutes should be relaxed so as to enable Hansard to be consulted as an aid to construction : —
15 A bridge joins it to the old Lusignan palace .
16 I am confident that KP 's substantial experience and resources can protect its unique brand values and build it into a major international brand . ’
17 Mr Major argued that as good Europeans we should tie it to the strong German mark to lick inflation and sustain recovery .
18 The seat had been Tory since 1970 and had been held since 1974 by Sir Charles , who retained it with a sizeable personal vote .
19 The alternative , of close integration of the railways into the central machinery of the state , has not proved suitable for the efficient conduct of complex productive activities ; a Spanish experiment with direct ministerial control during the late 1950s ( RENFE 1957m : vii , ix ; IBRD 1963 : 192–3 ) was shortlived , and the disadvantages of direct control have recently led the Italian government , for example , to remove the state railway from under the direct control of the transport ministry and endow it with an autonomous corporate structure ( Railway Gazette International , December 1985 : 926–7 ) .
20 It stood about patiently until a crust dropped , then approached it with a sideways hopping motion and began to tear it .
21 But again , it is up to each manager to make the final decision , basing it on the best available advice .
22 This is perhaps understandable , but it is stretching credulity to expect us to bless it as the highest human freedom .
23 The Department of Transportation in Maryland , for example , used it for an interactive touch-screen system providing tourists with video , textual , graphical and audio information about the city and its transport network .
24 We had read it , used it as an absorbent insulating layer to combat puddles and spilt porridge , and finally , when it and our bowels had reached saturation point , used it as lavatory paper !
25 The guard scanned the colour photograph on the pass more carefully , checking it against the listed physical description and the man himself .
26 Next she looked for her bag , and found it on a long low table .
27 Then take a second card from the middle pile and place it on the other outside pile .
28 Advocates of a return to gold still remain , and at times there have been proposals to consider reinstating it as the key reserve asset in the international monetary system .
29 The place is full of the aroma of Spot-Knee , the ram lamb who recently copped it after a blissful organic life .
30 She 'd probably looked around the flat and compared it with the two shabby and incomplete rooms that she 'd just left , and the first foundations of the barrier would have been laid .
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