Example sentences of "[verb] it [modal v] [be] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 In the first place it could be argued that the power of the professional association to act is severely limited , because much of the censorship that takes place in libraries is ultimately applied by Library Committees and local authorities whose members are beyond the control of the librarians ' professional body .
2 In the first place it could be argued that a democratic government would not impose unreasonably on minorities ; this exposed the party to Liberal charges that they were indifferent to the Irish Nationalists , but it also exposed the weakness of the government 's position , as Law explained to the Commons in January 1913 :
3 In passing it may be observed that journeymen and apprentices were seldom specified , although this must have been the status of many of the servants that were listed .
4 [ In passing it must be mentioned that one of those raw materials , hydrocyanic acid , is also used for another very important material in the portfolio of the Acrylics Business , sodium cyanide , the main use of which is in gold extraction processes .
5 I imagine it might be said that it was too insistent on formal academic instruction , that it took things like examinations very seriously and prided itself on its academic record ; yet in fact the education it gave was surprisingly wide and varied …
6 He put on a brave face to Sunday Express readers : ‘ I hope it will be believed that the Arsenal can take a licking as well as any other club .
7 I hope it will be agreed that those who think that the tax law is justified do so partly because they believe that there is in the circumstances imagined a reason voluntarily to contribute a sum which is equivalent to a just tax .
8 From what we have seen it might be supposed that private judicial patronage was more trouble than it was worth , but the offices were in fact received as a sign of favour by many lawyers , who could of course use them as stepping stones to better things .
9 If this does occur it would be expected that more than one member of the same family would be infected and that the same strain of H pylori would be present in more than one member of the same family .
10 When such material is used it must be ensured that it conforms approximately in density and shape with the natural beach material .
11 From the responses just deduced for the first three Chebyshev orders it may be appreciated that , for all orders , the transfer function ripples between unity and in the pass band .
12 Before this defence has any role to play it must be shown that the defendant has committed a tort .
13 Although dairy or dairy-cross calves are most commonly affected it should be recognised that autumn-born born single-suckled beef calves are just as susceptible when turned out to grass in early summer .
14 Where buildings overlap it can be shown that post-built structures preceded those constructed using continuous trenches .
15 In the political parlance of 1992 , I suppose it might be said that Mr Platt has given himself a double whammy .
16 I suppose it will be said that it is the height of romanticism to cling to the idea that universities can remain largely publicly funded and that students will not inevitably have to pay fees .
17 Before a successful method for dieting is assumed to have been found it must be realized that the effects were small and that the difference might reflect the greater energy expended by those who ate in the morning .
18 Before commencing it should be emphasized that when a geologist talks of a volcano having been recently active , he means that it has been active within the last ten thousand years .
19 I do not see on what grounds it could be argued that an amendment on the subject of Capital Punishment is outside the scope of a comprehensive Bill amending the law relating to the methods by which the courts are empowered to deal with offenders .
20 It had rained heavily during the night — a sudden downpour which had filled the gutters and drains which supplied the city 's water catchment system — so that when dawn broke it could be seen that many of the drapes and festoons over archways and down the faces of stands and platforms had been torn from the frames by the weight of the water which had soaked them .
21 Er , Birmingham region , Brian , who will count G M B Scotland Lancashire region , John who will count Southern Liverpool region , Alan who will count South Western London , Bill who will count Yorkshire Midland , Colin who will count Birmingham Northern , Derek who will count Lancashire G M B Scotland , Mary , who will count Liverpool Southern , Jack who will count London South Western , John , the other John , who will count Midland Yorkshire , Ray who will count Northern er , and now the pep talk it should be emphasized that tellers must remain in the congress hall while congress is in session and of course that delegates must be in their allotted seats when a vote is taken .
22 Although there have been recent price falls it should be remembered that in 1973 crude oil cost $2 a barrel .
23 I do not think it can be said that the manner of death is any more horrific than it used to be ( although it may well be different ) but it may be that the way of reporting someone 's death has radically changed and that this has brought its own problems .
24 I do not think it can be claimed that they opened up new territory ( writings by Dorothy Heathcote and others in the 1970s were concerned with a level of sophistication in drama teaching which the team seemed not to be able to articulate ) , but in terms of giving some sense of order to the basic functioning of drama the publication deserves to be seen as an important landmark .
25 Before leaving Butterworth v. Kingsway Motors it should be noted that if the same facts ( i.e. involving a motor vehicle ) were to occur again today , the result would be different because of the Hire Purchase Act 1964 , Part III ( see paragraph 5–40 above ) .
26 And you 're quite right , I mean it might be argued that there are big issues in local government still .
27 Erm so er I mean it could be argued that those figures go in there .
28 Where they do not exist it can be presumed that either the genuine silver-gilt coronet was used at the funeral and then put back into the strongroom after the funeral , or they have disintegrated .
29 In the discussion which follows it must be remembered that not all those who live in inner cities have problems or are poor .
30 In the discussion which follows it will be assumed that what is being referred to is a receiver appointed out of court .
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