Example sentences of "[verb] it [adv] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Rather , it first , made full divorce somewhat easier and cheaper , opening it up to the upper middle class , second , made judicial separation more expensive and more rare ; and third , continued to deny the poor access to either .
2 They simplified the house , knocking down walls , adding bathrooms , and opening it up to the cool summer breezes from the sea .
3 A harry torrent flooded through the opening and in no time at all the herd was legging it back to the high land in a wild stampede .
4 Images of food drew it onwards to the tall , detached house at the end of the street ; thoughts of petting and cuddling from its playful , pleasant owners made it scamper through the shadows .
5 And then the real work begins , to work it up to a higher and higher level , and this surely can not be done until you have fifteen or twenty years working with the one orchestra .
6 We will select a winner , publish the card in the paper , and send it on to the national finals .
7 I can actually recall a press release which came to me about a a principal tourism officer who had just been appointed to be the head , you know the president for the year of his professional body , and in his own town a press release was put out in which his name was incorrectly spelt , and the conference at which he was about to be invested was actually taking , and I blush to say that it was in Brighton , I can only tell you when I got that press release I did what I frequently do , which is outline in highlighter the mistakes on the press release , put it back into the envelope and send it back to the relevant officer .
8 This union along with the Labour Party should have no with the philosophy of workfare , it once and once and for all reject this philosophy and send it back to the bad old days of workhouses , parish guardians , the real Victorian values .
9 He 's going to rot it , which means he 's going to record it off transmission , and then pump it down , send it down to the General News Service in London for consideration by W A T O which is World At One .
10 It can not , except in a thoroughly perverted form , be a satisfactory instrument for party political indoctrination and it can not live happily in a situation which subjects it continually to the harsher pressures of party political confrontation . ’
11 Dampen the edge of the buckram , bring over the seam allowance of the band and press it on to the dampened edge , notching out excess fabric on inward curves .
12 they sent it back , I think , I thought the twelve was , was quite good actually , I thought the twelve when they went up at twelve , but then when they changed it back to the junior and infants it was the elev , the eleven and it was a bit , I think it , you know eleven might be perhaps too young , I think twelve is a reasonable
13 Take the second stitch and place it on to the first needle .
14 Take the third stitch and place it on to the next left-hand side empty needle and so on all along the row .
15 Thirty had been a party for fifty , and now had honed it down to a fabulous four .
16 On Thursday at the 17th Arnold knocks it up to an identical spot and says , ‘ What club is it , Tip ? ’
17 Simpson raises his hands in the air , United have got Andy Melville and Steve Foster at the far post , Simpson still delays taking the kick , now it comes in , he knocks it in to the far post , looking for Paul , Paul heads it back over the top — and they 've scored .
18 Otherwise passing it on to a third party , but you 're not in the case of a married couple .
19 When a child has got the squeeze , he is allowed to hold on to it as long as he wants before passing it on to the next person .
20 Apart from the inherent improbability that the Lockerbie investigators never thought to ask for it , that it was left to a clerk to print out a copy on her own initiative before the computer wiped the record , only to return weeks later from holiday to find that still no one had asked for it , and that the BKA , after being given the list , sat on it for months before passing it along to the Scottish police , there remained the problem of the FBI teletype which left open the possibility that no such bag from Malta was ever loaded on Flight 103 .
21 I put it down to a lingering melancholy and sense of impending loss at leaving the melin , even though by now he was in full agreement .
22 But I put it down to a natural wish on Jefferson 's part to protect what for him was a considerable investment in a new club and , if Harley 's new agent had exacted his usual pound , or stone rather , of flesh , a considerable investment in a golf pro .
23 He had felt the same , momentarily , stepping into the dyeyard at Nicosia , but put it down to a foolish nostalgia .
24 ‘ I was very lethargic but I just put it down to the first months of my pregnancy .
25 Some put it down to the sheer popularity of the winner Nigel Jones — others to the alleged racism of would-be Tory voters , unwilling to endorse the party 's official candidate , the barrister John Taylor .
26 ‘ Pretty things , ’ wrote Sawyer and Darton of illustrated books in general , ‘ pleasant to fondle , more ready to display to a bibliophile those tiny points of an exquisite technique over which it is legitimate to gloat … the spot of ink adjusted on a Corinthian 's cheek to a thousandth of an inch , or a black line so thin and firm that you can almost see the metal caressing it on to the honest untimbered white paper . ’
27 Do n't bring it over to the first character , leave it exactly where it is .
28 I did take it up with the Attorney-General but he felt he could n't refer it on to the next court .
29 Just ask the porter would you help me carry it over to the next platform .
30 ‘ And I 'll carry it on to the bitter end if that 's what it takes ! ’
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