Example sentences of "[verb] to he [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I began to forget why I 'd been attracted to him in the first place . ’
2 Something in her had responded to him from the first moment they 'd met .
3 In 1741 Collinson reported to him on the miraculous achievement at Thorndon :
4 It had come to him over the last year or so that there was only one thing that made him different from other men , and that was the weight he was carrying on his mind .
5 Now er on the air at five o'clock mister Tim with drive at five and the early evening sequence , and we 're gon na chat to him in the next thirty minutes because he 's been out shopping today and he 's spent quite a lot of money on some brand new clothes .
6 It occurred to him for the first time that Celia would be a bad enemy , just as she was a good friend .
7 Part II requested the Secretary-General to report to the next ( 46th ) session on the recommendations addressed to him by the Intergovernmental Expert Group to Study the Economic and Social Consequences of Illicit Traffic in Drugs convened under Resolution 44/142 of Dec. 15 , 1989 [ see p. 37434 ] .
8 The Collector of Taxes in Glasgow in 1831 was one Blair , and the Loyal Reformers ' Gazette , a radical publication of the time , has a letter addressed to him in the following terms :
9 His VC was presented to him in the Western Desert by Montgomery , and he returned to New Zealand in 1943 after active service in Greece , Crete and North Africa .
10 Among the cardinals , Hugolinus , one of Innocent 's closest confidants and later Pope Gregory IX , is now generally agreed to have been related to him in the third degree .
11 His artistic career began with a series of paintings based on the thirteenth-century sculpture of the elegant countess of Uta on the façade of Naumburg cathedral , a photograph of which had been lent to him by the young artist Vlady , but in the late fifties he turned his attention to Spanish art .
12 Essentially , the proofs of the reality of God appealed to him as the only adequate explanation for the existence of the world .
13 Leon Kennedy slumped in his chair , laughing , and it came to him with the same elegance as movement .
14 The tiny movements of the wherry and the gentle , muted river sounds which came to him through the warm night air gave him no relief .
15 It came to him in the small hours .
16 Conversely , if the accused can show that the material came to him in the normal course of business from a reputable supplier , he may have a defence .
17 Eluard 's soaring ‘ lyricism ’ helped to perpetuate a tyranny , and is the kind of thing which led Kundera to employ the title The Lyric Age for the work which first came to him in the mid-Fifties , and which his publishers prevailed on him to retitle Life is elsewhere when it was completed in 1969 .
18 He , too , suffered from an occasional enlightening vision which came to him from the dim past and which he must have suppressed at the time …
19 I went to listen to him at the methodist church at er Newark about Oh quite a few years when
20 It took many months more for me to feel safe enough to talk to him about The Fat Controller , but there came a time , when the memory of our last vertiginous encounter had dimmed , that I became prepared to risk it .
21 She was living with her boyfriend as she had for the last eight years and the hospital team were quite happy to talk to him about the proposed care plan for her .
22 Mr Yeltsin stressed , however , that he would fight any attempts to cancel the emergency powers granted to him by the last Congress in October .
23 What was it she had said to him about the missing family silver ?
24 As for Mr Berkley , the conversation seemed to him like the macabre chorus of some drama in which he was eventually to appear , by some unexpected twist of the plot , as the despicable villain .
25 Tranchant , who had been co-owner with Tapie of an electronics firm , Nippon Audio Video System , alleged that Tapie had fraudulantly kept him ignorant of a payment of F13,000,000 which had been made to him by the Japanese company Toshiba when Toshiba bought the company in 1985 .
26 Where an innocent purchaser is able to rely upon an estoppel , property in the goods passes to him in the normal way , i.e. as if his seller himself has good title to give .
27 It was probably England 's good fortune that Inzamam was preferred to him in the four previous Tests .
28 She turned to him with the first real interest in her face that he 'd seen .
29 He had already acquired some ex-episcopal lands back in 1647–8 , in settlement of earlier debts owing to him on the public faith .
30 He had never been close to his son , Mark 's father , but had doted on his grandson and had often talked to him of the old Russia .
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