Example sentences of "[verb] to [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You may like to write to him for more details .
2 I ought to write to her at some point .
3 I have been asked to write to you on this matter because this hazard was drawn to your attention in my letter of 18th April 1991 following the Annual Parish Meeting .
4 Up to 5,000 ethnic Turks and members of the Pomak community ( descendants of Bulgarians converted to Islam during Ottoman rule ) had held a vigil outside the National Assembly building on Dec. 28-29 , but had dispersed after the contents of the resolution had been disclosed to them by National Assembly Speaker Stanko Todorov .
5 Their excellent long-distance vision spots something suspicious and they fly to it at high speed .
6 Within a few years , most Boards felt that the Consultative Councils helped to defuse individual complaints and to present a favourable image to the public , and were willing to defer to them on some matters of general policy of an essentially political or presentational nature , such as priorities in rural electrification or aspects of domestic charging .
7 It 's the oldest lyrical theme in the world and David Gedge adheres to it with laudable steadfastness .
8 When Hullmandel published his treatise The Art of Drawing on Stone in 1824 , the possibilities of lithography were better advertised ( although Hullmandel was careful not to describe the actual printing process , so that artists would have to come to him for that service ) , and Lear was one of the very first to be attracted to the technique .
9 Thus , like Julian , the Prophet Muhammad said that his revelations seemed to come to him in two ways : some were clear and others were obscure and very difficult to understand .
10 My friend , who has stayed at the cottage before , is going up 24th or so for about a week , so there will be her rent @ £7 per day and electricity @ 10p per unit ( to cover standing charges etc ) to come to you in due course .
11 Send to me in any event .
12 Chris described to her in painstaking detail the story of the cartoon they 'd been watching .
13 A lot of personal things had been happening to me during that year .
14 But I watched , out of a sense of duty admittedly , most of the election news programmes , feeling all the time , these are not relating to me in any way .
15 In less than one year certain people have received an increase more than has come to me in 11 years .
16 They have not come to us for specific assistance under the know-how fund .
17 Almost all of them had crude magic swords , whose unsuppressed harmonics on the astral plane played hell with any delicate experiments in applied sorcery for miles around , but Rincewind did n't object to them on that score .
18 He was convinced that , in the words of the Barmen Declaration which he with others drafted in May 1934 in opposition to the German Christians , ‘ Jesus Christ as he is attested to us in Holy Scripture is the one Word of God , which we have to hear , and which we have to trust and obey in life and in death . ’
19 Further to my note of 11th December , Susannah Wainman of SAWD Books writes to me with more details of the competition for a new logo for the Independent Publishers Guild .
20 Well every time I send something out writes to me on bloody DOPACS saying this is not the way to disseminate this information .
21 We had never met her before she came , yet she immediately called us Mummy and Daddy , and still writes to us in this way from Nigeria .
22 We always referred to them as those ladies of the stage .
23 In line with this , his observations are drawn , not from the consulting room , but from the mundanities of everyday intercourse , while very great pains are taken to record only what the narrator directly observed , or had reported to him on good authority .
24 The world looks to them for decisive leadership on this issue , as on others " .
25 ‘ To tell you the truth it never occurred to me until this minute .
26 Because , it occurred to her with heart-stopping suddenness , the last thing in the world she wanted was to be around when Rohan Saint Yves married Antoinette — or anyone else .
27 On waking , it occurred to her with renewed conviction that the experience of two days before might have been no more than a temporary aberration of an exhausted mind .
28 That is not a matter where the parties are sufficiently advanced for it to be addressed to me at this stage .
29 Two difficulties in particular , are relevant to the arguments that have been addressed to us in this case .
30 He comes into close contact with both a teacher and other children of his own age and many of his future feelings about himself will result from what happens to him at this time .
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