Example sentences of "[verb] to [art] [adj] [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 The birds , in particular albatrosses , are attracted to the baited hooks which are used for long-line fishing , and become caught in the nets and killed ; , Further restrictions are to be imposed on the establishment up of new fisheries in the area .
2 The answer is clear : it owes to the biological presuppositions which he takes from Aristotle .
3 The cases form part of a series of actions relating to the various measures which the United Kingdom and Ireland took successively from 1983 onwards in order to combat what is termed in English as ‘ quota hopping , ’ that is to say the practice whereby , according to the United Kingdom , its fishing quotas are ‘ plundered ’ by vessels flying the British flag but lacking any genuine link with the United Kingdom .
4 ( b ) There is no fact or matter concerning the proposed business or affairs of the Company nor any fact or matter relating to the financial forecasts which is or may be material for disclosure to any intending subscriber for shares in the Company which has not been disclosed to the Investors and any such fact or matter arising prior to Completion of this agreement will forthwith be disclosed to the Investors .
5 Each of these incidents provoked widespread protest , not confined to the feminist groups which focused on issues of sexual violence .
6 But this reason is related to the other reasons which apply to the case .
7 If there was still a profound cultural divide between the parties , related to the social collectivities which furnished their support , there was little corresponding clash of definite ‘ class projects ’ for social development .
8 Eadberht was Ceolwulf 's cousin , according to the Anglian genealogies which give his alleged descent from Ida ( see Appendix , Fig. 9 ) .
9 Ask Ann Jones what a contribution half this size could do to providing coaching and travelling support to her hard-pressed British girls , or even consult with Ian Barclay or Olga Morozova on the dramatic help this could give to the junior squads which , although cosseted , are far too small and elitist .
10 This , of course , was not how it seemed to the European powers which held authority over the Middle East after the 1914–18 war .
11 The major agreements are drawn up between a small number of tightly-controlled organisations and the outcome of their central negotiations sets guidelines and limits to the industry-wide negotiations which then subsequently take place .
12 But what happened to the crushed tomatoes which had been such a success , Were they abandoned in favour of whole canned tomatoes ?
13 The major factors requiring the enactment of legislation on liability for nuclear incidents were the risk of widespread damage , possibly involving losses of millions of pounds , from a single emission of ionising radiations and the possible injustice in the Limitation Acts owing to the long periods which might elapse between the impact of ionising radiations on the plaintiff and his suffering ascertainable damages .
14 Quite why some of the leading golfers in the world started to behave like 18 handicap amateurs can only be attributed to the special pressures which the Ryder Cup produces .
15 Bisecting the corridor at this point was a short passage leading to the two staircases which descended to either side of the house .
16 He also pledged to unfreeze nearly $60,000,000 in assets belonging to the three countries which had been seized by the USA in June 1940 .
17 Both its generic name Sciadopitys and its English name refer to the strap-shaped leaves which are arranged in whorls like the spokes of an umbrella , although it must be stressed that it is not a true pine .
18 And as for those bloody red boxes , ’ he says pointing to the battered containers which deliver official papers to Ditchingham Hall every weekend , ‘ hate 'em . ’
19 Although the presence of the proctors was probably in order to assent to the lay taxes which fell upon the clergy 's temporalities , from 1341 at least they were no longer required to attend ; they were still summoned , but their absence from parliament was not deemed prejudicial to the king , no doubt because it could no longer delay or frustrate clerical taxation which was now in the hands of another body .
20 It is important to establish how much the client worries about the physical symptoms compared to the primary stresses which cause the symptoms .
21 Both men loved Dartmoor , never happier than when the London season was over and they could return to the remote places which they had shared since childhood .
22 However , I shall return to the four themes which I identified at the beginning , and which have been threaded through the discussion .
23 Leslie had stated that he actually saw a telegram saying that ‘ all had been caught ’ , but this may have referred to the four spies which had been picked up near Rye in Kent .
24 How , that is , do they relate to the particular things which are instances of them , and to our minds when we think of those things as men , or as triangles ?
25 However , the hon. Gentleman rightly refers to the other businesses which Harland and Wolff is now expanding and building up , and I am sure that its success , which I believe is assured under privatisation , offers the best hope for those men in the future .
26 surprising proposition is not merely that pastoral peoples do in fact show a fastidiousness with regard to the excremental functions which is totally unknown among primeval hunter-gatherers and rarely seen among agriculturalists ( although in their case the situation is complicated by subsequent introduction of domesticated animals ) , but that toilet-training and the mastery of the anal sphincter is , as we know from observation of our own children , intimately involved with sadistic instinctual trends and consists in the child accepting self-censorship of his anal and excremental drives .
27 To make this comparison the analysis was limited to the 29 junctions which were recalled by at least one subject .
28 When we turn to the linguistic abilities which are required to give empirical mode explanations , we find that the role of the temporal priority principle is again a matter of debate .
29 For the top teams in the group of eight this would mean a total of 40 league games as opposed to the 44 matches which will have to be fulfilled if the 12-club division continued for another season .
30 Sir John Pennycuick went on to refer to the far-reaching limitations which govern the exercise of the jurisdiction .
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