Example sentences of "[verb] have been [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The tendency for international capital flows to increase has been evident for some time , and was causing problems for central bank intervention in the final years of the Bretton Woods system .
2 The delays appear to have been due to administrative confusion and a lack of political will .
3 Some of the republics appear to have been sympathetic to this idea but in the end no common citizenship of this kind was established , which was hardly reassuring ( for instance ) to the very large Russian minorities in the Ukraine and Moldavia .
4 Equally importantly , those which were remembered appear to have been unusual in more than the fact that they were busier than other situations , risk appears to have had a quite separate effect .
5 However unsatisfactory the ancient idea of belligerent reprisals may be , the threat of reprisals does appear to have been effective in this matter ( Kalshoven , 1971 , p. 348 ) .
6 As for Constantine 's ‘ conversion ’ — if that is the appropriate word — it does not appear to have been Christian at all , but conventionally pagan .
7 He seemed to have been stuck in this shabby , overheated room for days .
8 Now sexism is so fundamental an evil that it becomes very difficult for anyone who has grasped this to envisage that God could be said to have been involved with human history .
9 That moment in the courtyard when their eyes had met had been real after all !
10 In making his proposal Gore cited new evidence made public by the Financial Times and by ABC News Nightline , which quoted an Iranian arms dealer , Jamshid Hashemi , who claimed to have been present at two meetings between the late William Casey , the Reagan campaign chairman , and members of the Iranian government , held in Madrid in late July and mid-August 1980 .
11 Abas , who had retired from the intelligence services in 1988 , was alleged to have been responsible for human rights violations during the period of military rule in 1980-83 .
12 He named it Latimeria and informed an astonished world that a creature thought to have been extinct for 70 million years was still alive .
13 But certainly the family and descendants of Judas of Galilee seem to have been involved in many of the more ambitious , more co-ordinated , more professional Zealot enterprises .
14 The DES seem to have been aware of this problem by 1984 when Educational Support Grants ( ESG ) were established ( DES , 1984 ) offering funds to LEAs to appoint consultant teachers who would work with pupils alongside classroom teachers developing practices in curriculum areas which the DES perceived as important .
15 Old William Cranko and his nephew Frederick both seem to have been fond of feminine company .
16 We have described this process earlier ( chapter 6 ) , and it seems to occur in every case where fingerspelling has been available for some time and there has been a strong hearing influence .
17 While the words may have played little part in Nationalist propaganda , and the ideas they connoted have been uncongenial to many Catholics and erstwhile liberal monarchists within the Nationalist camp , nevertheless the prominence of the Falange and the involvement of Italy and Germany sufficed to satisfy most foreign observers , and by no means only those on the left , that the Spanish rebels were indeed ‘ fascists ’ .
18 In some cases this appears to have been due to privileged access to knowledge not yet available to those lower down the hierarchy , as in cases where plans were in preparation for the closure , merging or reorganisation of schools being proposed .
19 This interesting scheme has been described in detail by Challis and Davies ( 1987 ) and appears to have been successful on economic , social and psychological measures .
20 This appears to have been responsible for several stunts and was implicated in the general increase of physical violence against Jews in the East End in the middle 1930s .
21 He appears to have been interested in foreign travel , also , to judge from the books he collected .
22 In return , Central Bank governor Jose Cuisia agreed that US$344 million of other banks ' loans would be eligible for bond conversion , while securing the right of the Philippines to take action against any bank later found to have been involved in fraudulent transactions .
23 They were rejected in Rochdale , and even in Nottingham , where cases of sexual abuse were upheld , and nine parents were found to have been involved in elaborate and organised abuse , there was no evidence that they did this as part of any satanic rituals or worship .
24 She is not known to have been involved in any way .
25 Interest in the Lamb is known to have been considerable at this period , when the third invocation addressed to it in the Mass was changed from " have mercy upon us " to " give us peace " .
26 Editor , — The working party set up to make recommendations on a national standard of entry into general practice seems to have been unaware of European Community directive 86/457/EEC .
27 Furthermore , the juxtaposition of particular historical , political events with economic forces often seems to have been decisive in stimulating defensive reactions by employers .
28 Eliot , who was putting ‘ Tartar horsemen ’ in his poetry in 1924 , seems to have been impressed by this passage .
29 The same seems to have been true of other clubs .
30 It seems to have been unusual for any girl to go beyond straight typesetting to learn much about the other processes at this stage : a crucial point .
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