Example sentences of "[verb] have been [verb] during the " in BNC.

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1 A coin of the Emperor Honorius ( AD 393–423 ) is said to have been found during the demolition of the castle in the 18th century , but it has now been lost .
2 There is still an abyss or several to be crossed , but the bishop was applauded with vast intensity as he told how he had demanded the release of the 150 people reckoned to have been arrested during the street fighting , and had been told that complaints of police brutality would be investigated if the names of the victims were submitted in writing to the authorities .
3 Therefore , magnetizations of high unblocking temperature and high to moderate coercivity found in undeformed parts of the felsic dykes are interpreted to have been acquired during the final phases of ductile deformation of structurally higher rocks .
4 The probability is that beads from English Neolithic long barrows and enclosures and described as made of shale or inferior jet came from the Kimmeridge locality in Dorset where bracelets are known to have been made during the Early Iron Age .
5 There are many other varieties of folding knives known to have been produced during the Roman period , but most of these other types are rarely found in Britain .
6 Although some catholic bishops are known to have been exiled during the reign of Alaric II , where there is any detailed evidence of the circumstances , factors other than religious conflict appear to have been important .
7 It seems strange that the chancel and tower should be given an earlier date than the nave for it is presumed to have been built during the Bishopric of Haymo , who carried out considerable building at Halling .
8 Up to one million purchases are estimated to have been delayed during the last three years because of the sluggish market .
9 Other prominent Sendero members , also officially said to have been killed during the fighting , included Tito Travesano Valle , Yovanka Trujillo Pardave and Deodato Cruzatt Juárez .
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