Example sentences of "[verb] have [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Creaney , who now forms a new strike partnership with Andy Payton , and has nudged his boyhood idol Charlie Nicholas into reserve football , feels the Cologne tie has come at the right time .
2 After the reorganization this part of the process seems to have worked relatively smoothly , but injustices appear to have occurred in the comparative chaos of the earlier period .
3 Thus , although incoming variants of both vowels appear to have originated in the same hinterland Scots dialect , each has assumed a diametrically opposed social value in its new urban setting .
4 It stemmed from the outbreak of Minamata disease among the Japanese who had eaten fish and shellfish containing substantial quantities of organic mercury compounds — found to have originated from the direct discharge of factory effluent .
5 The position of women is often considered to have improved during the last few decades .
6 Iraq was also reported to have invested in the Argentine Condor II and , possibly , the Brazilian SS-300 .
7 A second gunman was reported to have fired into the front row of the audience .
8 The EC sought co-operation against drug traffickers , and Mexico was reported to have inserted at the last minute a formula to safeguard its national jurisdiction in this area .
9 Meanwhile , some 20,000 Serbs in the area were reported to have fled across the Croatian borders to the neighbouring autonomous province of Vojvodina , part of Serbia , in an effort to escape the fighting .
10 The number of different visitors they were reported to have had during the last twelve months averaged 5.0 .
11 By the year 2010 it is expect to have doubled from the 1960 level .
12 In two important maize-growing areas , fewer than half of those interviewed had heard of the increased price , and in an area where the Government was keen to encourage a substantial increase in local production , less than one in ten had heard of the new prices .
13 In Gloucestershire the number of young offenders cuationed has risen in the last 2 years from 44% to 70% .
14 On Oct. 11 five Polish nationals living in Frankfurt and Bochum were arrested when police uncovered consignments of radio-active caesium and strontium believed to have originated in the former Soviet Union .
15 Although the market would appear to have plumped for the Open Software Foundation 's Motif , Sun Microsystems Inc , the largest dedicated Unix system vendor , remains exclusively committed to its Open Look alternative in the Solaris operating system delivered with its machines .
16 A similar strategy of bureaucratisation would appear to have emerged during the inter-war period among Japanese employers , which was to some extent directly influenced by developments in the United States ( Taira , 1973 ) .
17 Although his brother , the Rev. Arthur Oakeley ( then squire of Lydham ) does not appear to have approved of the proposed Bishop 's Castle Railway and did not attend the Opening , Commander Henry Oakeley , R.N. ( Retd. ) was very interested .
18 there is a further letter from R Jasper More and one from a local person which I hope to have published in the next Journal .
19 One such group is GATT ( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ) negotiators , who are felt to have concentrated on the economic consequences of trade restrictions , but neglected environmental ones .
20 He reached for his handkerchief and dabbed his forehead again — a cold , clammy sweat that only seemed to have surfaced in the last half an hour .
21 Frank seemed to have scored with the young lady too — some things never change .
22 He seemed to have come to the deep , still centre of the sea : a place where you felt nothing , where you saw nothing except the coal-black atoms that danced before your face and knitted up the dark .
23 She sensed trouble in this girl , who seemed to have taken in the entire community below in Knockglen .
24 The strain seemed to have got to the aged suspects .
25 ICL 's second trophy went to its Bracknell , Berkshire-based Mid Range Systems division for the volume of DRS 6000 series systems and associated Unix products and services shipped abroad — its revenues are reckoned to have trebled over the past three years to over £250m ; Cambridge-based IXI Ltd was recognised for its success in the open systems software arena with its X.desktop product for Unix , and Chalfont , Buckinghamshire-based Madge Networks Ltd , which ships its high performance Token Ring networking products across the world , and finds it necessary to kid the locals that it 's an American company when it is doing business in the US , also wins an Export award .
26 The new classical and baroque forms are often said to have arisen from the conscious departure in taste represented in the buildings of the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893 .
27 At the beginning of time it was said to have arisen from the primeval waters , the waters of Chaos .
28 However , the history of the Channel Tunnel is generally said to have begun with the 1820 proposal of French mining engineer Albert Mathieu-Favier for a road tunnel lit by gas and ventilated through chimneys emerging above sea level .
29 Among the passengers was Mr. W. H. Troake , former Stores Superintendent of Croydon Corporation Tramways , who is said to have ridden on the first electric car in Croydon .
30 After the war the site for the statue was chosen at Terreiro da Luta , near the Fonte da Telha where the Virgin was said to have appeared to the little shepherdess .
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