Example sentences of "[verb] have [be] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , what we have witnessed has been the spectacle of governments running so hard to get away from this concept that they have been unable to hear the voice of the British business community , pleading that the interest it would like the government to show in its affairs is of a different nature altogether .
2 However , much less well developed has been the nature of using information for decision-making .
3 The extent to which such an understanding is justified has been a matter of some debate , not only at the local level , but in terms of national politics , and even politics within the EC .
4 ‘ She could not even stand by herself yet she has has been the victim of a most brutal assault in her own bed .
5 The only luxuries she has had are a holiday in America , a new car and a few home improvements .
6 The small market town area ( see map ) is to the east of the parish , and this , together with the high ground south of the river and the tiny hamlets of Steeple and Dogbury Valent , all appear to have been the sites of pre-Conquest settlement .
7 As far as the kadiliks are concerned , the original mevleviyet kadiliks appear to have been the kadiliks of the three Ottoman capitals , Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa , this number being increased in the first Instance through the acquisition of other important cities by conquest or other means .
8 Subsequently he is reported to have been a pupil of his cousin George Wilfred Anthony , a drawing master in Manchester , later a landscape painter and art critic ( as ‘ Gabriel Tinto ’ ) for the Manchester Guardian .
9 The date specified in the affidavit will be the date deemed to have been the date of service unless the court otherwise orders .
10 She had done a great deal of hiking in her university years , and using whatever cover nature provided had been the order of the day .
11 Among the issues that we have addressed have been a number of particular concern to small firms .
12 Lack of academic training does not appear to have been a handicap for Roddick .
13 I am sorry to say this , but there would appear to have been a number of houses in recent times , some of the highest pedigree , which have tended to take a competitive attitude towards each other and have not been above ‘ showing off ’ to guests a butler 's mastery of such trivial accomplishments .
14 Although the case of a limitation upon , or condition precedent to a right to serve a notice to quit , does not appear to have been the subject of judicial decision , his principle that , if a covenant affects a landlord qua landlord , it must necessarily run with the reversion , appears to me a sound criterion …
15 Although Bracton alleged that the rape of non-virgins was also punishable , this does not appear to have been the practice of the courts .
16 First commissions could be obtained through political interest , and this would appear to have been the situation of Philip Hay , whom Admiral Lord Keith managed to place in the 11th Foot as an ensign on the strength of imaginary past service , though his patron remarked that ‘ if his father can not get at old General Grant or Lady Sutherland he may not be confirmed .
17 This in fact repeats more generally what was stated with regard to environmental competence by Article 130R(4) of the EEC Treaty , inserted by the Single European Act , under which ‘ the Community shall take action relating to the environment to the extent to which the objectives … can be attained better at Community level than at the level of the individual Member States ’ , a provision which does not yet appear to have been the object of scrutiny by the European Court of Justice .
18 It seemed to have been a place of school and tennis , of clubs and tennis .
19 On Radio Warsaw in December 1952 WIN was revealed to have been a puppet of the KGB since it was revived in 1948 .
20 The main London to Exeter ‘ road ’ was said to have been a quarter of a mile wide by the end of the winter where it crossed — or rather plunged through — the sticky morass of the chalk on Salisbury Plain .
21 Moore is said to have been a pioneer in producing a periodical for seamen , the Mariners ' Journal , which was published briefly between 185I and 1854 , and to have advocated the first system of paid shore based officials to look after the interests of their members while they were at sea .
22 Donationes mortis causa may be said to have been an anomaly in our law , both for their immunity to the Statute of Frauds 1677 and the Wills Act 1837 and as exceptions to the rule that equity will not perfect an imperfect gift .
23 Adam is said to have been the herald of the Taurean Age ( the age of the bull which gives life ) , while Abraham began the Age of Aries ( sacrificing the ram instead of his son ) .
24 This is said to have been the scene of the Faroese legend of the eagle and the baby .
25 Stein is often said to have been the inventor of the escapement for the German action .
26 The money was said to have been the profits from drug-trafficking and kidnappings .
27 Janet 's Foss ( foss = force = waterfall ) is said to have been the haunt of a witch or water sprite called Jennet .
28 The Sargasso Sea is also said to have been the site of the ancient lost island of Atlantis where the eels could have once again found fresh water and been able to feed after spawning in the nearby sea .
29 There is some support for the proposition that such a loan , if made to a person fully capable of repaying the same and , for instance , charged against property in the United Kingdom , gives the taxpayer minimal benefit from the case of O " Leary v McKinlay [ 1991 ] STC 42 where Vinelott J at p51 , dealing with a Schedule E beneficial loan , stated the following : If an employer lends money to an employee free of interest or at a favourable rate of interest and if the employee is free to exploit the money in any manner he chooses his employment can not be said to have been the source of the income derived from the exploitation ; the employer is the source of the money and the taxpayer is assessable to tax under Sch E on the benefit to him of obtaining the loan on the terms on which the loan was made ; but if the loan is repayable on demand that benefit can not be quantified and form the basis of an assessment under Sch E. It is arguable if property is held by a non-resident trust for A for life and B absolutely that if the trustees lend money to A at interest then if A allows the trustees not to pursue him in his capacity as borrower for the interest that no benefit will arise .
30 The great reason for the Church of England 's perishing , if it does , will be seen to have been a lack of such a vision .
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