Example sentences of "[verb] have [be] [verb] in a " in BNC.

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1 What happens when a majority voting equilibrium does not exist has been explored in a number of studies .
2 none of the systems to be reported has been tested in a way which would allow evaluation of their linguistic effectiveness .
3 He says that the one they 're working on at the moment has bodies which appear to have been buried in a great hurry .
4 The UK visit was reported to be the first official visit by a Vietnamese Foreign Minister since the end of the Vietnam War , and the talks were reported to have been held in an atmosphere of frankness and goodwill , with both sides keen to improve economic and diplomatic links and to co-operate fully on the issue of the repatriation of " boat people " from Hong Kong .
5 Over 140 people listed had been detained in a wave of arrests in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou beginning in November 1990 .
6 The refusal to talk , believed to have been decided in a meeting of the Politburo , contributed to renewed speculation here that Mr Honecker may no longer be in full control .
7 Mithras was said to have been born in a cave or a grotto , where shepherds attended him and regaled him with gifts .
8 During the trial Mr O'Donnell told how he had agreed to go with McPherson , who had driven him to a lay-by at the Rest and Be Thankful on the A83 road , where men he recognised had been waiting in a van .
9 The fertiliser in ten plastic bags was alleged to have been found in a bedroom of the couple 's house in Fallswater Street .
10 Bernard was thought to have been killed in a car-bomb attack a year and a half ago .
11 It is thought to have been taken in a burglary and police want to hear from anyone who believes they own it .
12 But in Washington these overtures , which happen to have been delivered in a thoroughly unorthodox way , are being sniffed at most gingerly .
13 The body and the upper stand seem to have been made in a single casting .
14 Looking back to the latter half of our time in Scotland , I seem to have been engaged in a variety of activities : was twice part of a consortium to bid ( unsuccessfully ) for the franchise for Scottish Television ; was appointed chairman of the board of Edinburgh 's Royal Lyceum Theatre Company , a post I held for seven years ; was persuaded to stand as a candidate for Lord Rector of Edinburgh University and ( mercifully ) was defeated by its former Roman Catholic chaplain ; gave poetry recitals with Moira at Edinburgh Festivals and elsewhere ; attacked in a lecture to the Royal Society of Arts the moronic language of disc jockeys whom I referred to as ‘ the Anyway Boys ’ ( the word ‘ anyway ’ being their standard linking passage ) — but singled out for praise a comparative unknown by the name of Terry Wogan ; rejoined the Liberal Party ; took part in a shoot where in the gloaming I brought down what I thought was a woodcock but turned out to be a parrot , escaped recently from its cage a mile away ; fished for salmon in Spain where my guide was called Jesus ( and enjoyed bawling for him down the river bank ) and on the way home visited the marvellous cave paintings of Altamira and Lascaux ; proposed ite health of Prince Philip at a Variety Club luncheon and of London 's Lord Mayor at his midsummer banquet ( he was also chairman of the London Rubber Company to which I made some fruity references ) ; and for a year was resident British columnist of the American weekly magazine , Newsweek International .
15 Anti-terrorist detectives were unwilling to discuss the exact location and size of the haul but it is understood to have been found in a lock-up garage ‘ within a few miles ’ of Northolt , north-west London , where the arrests were made .
16 The first full edition seems to have been assembled in a very haphazard fashion , with names added as fast as they could be obtained , out of alphabetical order , and with an unreliable index .
17 ‘ Traa de loor ’ , meaning time enough , is a favourite saying on the stress-free island which seems to have been trapped in a time-warp .
18 You were with the public , direct contact with the public and er I would hate to have been sat in an office and just looked at four walls .
19 He was widely believed to have been interned in a labour camp in the mid-1930s ( a fate shared by the greater part of the clergy ) , and again for a year immediately after the Second World War , following military service .
20 They are believed to have been caught in a storm without enough food or water .
21 A FATHER yesterday held the hand of the daughter he thought had been killed in a plane crash .
22 The Liberals , although the smallest of the three parties , would seem to be the only party whose programme had not been rejected by the electors ; and , as the only party which could co-operate with either of the other two , it would seem to have been put in a particularly strong position by the result of the election .
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