Example sentences of "[verb] not the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They celebrate not the facts of nature , but the transforming power of atmosphere and momentary effects of light .
2 Someone who has not the concept of age can not be expected to see someone as young or old .
3 It is in this sense that higher education can be said to institutionalize not the structures of knowledge , but the experience of uncertainty .
4 ii , ‘ o'erstep not the modesty of nature ’ , CS 20 .
5 And if Augustine 's understanding of how God can indeed be known incarnationally influenced the thinking of later mystics like Walter Hilton , Richard Rolle and Julian of Norwich , another tradition , which stressed not the links between Creator and created , but the darkness of the divide , was undoubtedly formative in the experience of the Cloud-author .
6 When Tormey cites the art of acting as an example of representational behaviour , he was really talking about the style of acting first attributed to the famous English eighteenth-century actor David Garrick , acting which demanded not the expression of emotion but an accomplished technique by which ‘ natural ’ expressions of real life became distilled on stage by artifice .
7 Clearly the key to economic success is to control not the supply of money , but the supply of central bankers .
8 In view of that , did not the Secretary of State pause to conclude that whatever NATO may require , there is no requirement for the United Kingdom to have its own tactical air-to-surface missile ?
9 Assure you , my good liege , I hold my duty as I hold my soul , Both to my God and to my gracious King ; And I do think , or else this brain of mine Hunts not the trail of policy so sure As it hath used to do , that I have found The very cause of Hamlet 's lunacy …
10 Do not the Secretary of State 's earlier answers make it clear that his vision of Britain in the future is a low-wage economy with the worst employment conditions in Europe ?
11 Do not the upholders of law have daily experience of the fact that the greedy society so desired by Conservative Members must inevitably be a bad one ?
12 Again , the editors did n't the Son of Righteousness .
13 Louisa was left feeling that she had been appointed audience to a play of the wife 's devising , one in which the heroine 's suffering was the principal theme and which might , indeed , have been moving had not the sense of theatre been so pronounced , and had the script been less expressive of a plaintive heart than of its tribulations .
14 and would have done so , had not the laws of nature prevented it .
15 And he knew he had not the justification of genius .
16 Does not the Secretary of State understand that it is precisely because the TGWU is so committed to effective training and the future expansion of British industry that it is not prepared to give credence to the Government 's sham arrangements ?
17 As Italy invests £63 per head , Germany £41 per head and this country only £24 per head in the railways , does not the Secretary of State have a teeny-weeny twinge of conscience when he hears of railway accidents ?
18 Does not the Secretary of State feel any remorse about those figures ?
19 Does not the Secretary of State realise that thousands and thousands of people who still can not pay the poll tax are facing court action and warrant sales ?
20 Why does not the Secretary of State for Wales wave the flag for Pierhead and say that the new project could become a great science centre ?
21 Does not the Secretary of State recognise that there is no confidence in the community in the type of managers he proposes to put in control of the trusts ?
22 Does not the Secretary of State understand that the people in the Forth Valley health board area will greet his decision with great dismay , especially the families of the mentally handicapped patients in that hospital , who do not have a vote , could not be consulted and who are now greatly exercised by the prospect of being cast into the free market system ?
23 Does not the Secretary of State agree with one of my constituents , Brigadier Alastair Pearson , who was the regiment 's honorary colonel until 1989 ?
24 The man from the Midland Bank said he had n't the kind of money required .
25 Does n't the sanctity of marriage mean anything to you ? ’ he roared .
26 Tait and Stewart sought to show not the truth of Christianity , but its compatibility with modern science , and the narrowness of those who contented themselves with what they called ‘ how ’ questions and never with ‘ why ’ .
27 ‘ new Invention of Raiseing of Water and occasioning Motion to all sorts of Mill Work by the Impellent Force of Fire , which will be of great Use and Advantage for Drayning Mines , Serveing Towns with water , and for the working of all Sorts of Mills where they have not the benefit of Water nor Constant Windes ’ .
28 I have not the sum to hand , and can not raise it even by loan .
29 They have not the time for speech training , and are perhaps afraid to embarrass you , and by criticising your speech to add to your shyness in discussion .
30 ‘ I have n't the time for romance , ’ he said shortly .
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