Example sentences of "[verb] not [vb infin] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The term ‘ ecology ’ could be used as an umbrella to cover a wide range of research traditions that did not interact at the detailed level , but which could be seen to deal with one aspect or another of the relationship between living things and their environment .
2 He argued that the public did not stand at the box-office window and demand dramas with happy endings or which mixed pathos and humour , nor did it demand comedy made up of ‘ slapstick ’ , ‘ gags ’ with ‘ three or so dashes of serious situation and a bit of irony to top off ’ .
3 Since he did not exhibit at the big Salons his name may not have been as well known to the general public as those of Matisse and Derain , who in the previous years had emerged as the most important and controversial figures in the Fauve movement , but there were a large number of people who believed in his genius .
4 Joan Thirsk 's brilliant examination of these variations , region by region , illustrates this for the period from 1500 onwards ( 103 , pp.1–112 ) , and there is no reason to believe that a similar diversity did not exist at the earlier period also , although there were probably changes in detail in particular areas , such as those caused by climatic change to which allusion was made in Chapter 1 .
5 The Sanhedrin did not meet at the high priest 's house ( Mark 14:53 ; Matt.
6 In rural Wales , for example , taking 1938–39 as the year of the ‘ peak ’ network , considerable decline may be seen in route mileage in the first decade up to 1949 , although this did not occur at a constant rate and varied considerably in the north and south of Wales , and according to the specific operating companies considered .
7 The sequence was still largely without dates , and more importantly , the development from one broad technological phase to another did not occur at the same time everywhere .
8 The number of births soon began to fall dramatically — by the early 1980s it was only two-thirds of the figure reached twenty years earlier ; car ownership did not increase at the expected rate — due in part to the sharp increase in Petrol prices in the early 1970s ; the demand for higher standards conflicted from the mid-1970s with central government 's belief that local government expenditure needed to be curtailed in line with a monetarist approach to economic policy .
9 He did not look at the still bowing surveyors as he spoke , but at Alexei .
10 We did not look at the histological correlate of the inflammatory mediators as for ethical reasons we did not perform sigmoidoscopy and rectal biopsy .
11 Coffin did not look at the severed hands , where he imagined the signs of a fight would show .
12 She did not look at the old man , so she failed to see the shrewd yet kindly glance he gave her .
13 The Whites had vast total forces but the separate forces did not attack at the same time .
14 Allen was nominated as one of the 135 commissioners ( MPs and others ) to form the high court of justice to conduct the trial of Charles I. The meetings of the court started on 8 January 1649 but Allen did not attend at the Painted Chamber in Whitehall until 17 January .
15 Whatever the wedding organizers decide , it is important to let the toastmaster and the speechmakers know , so that they are prepared and do not disappear at the vital moment .
16 Some of these plate boundary configurations and stages of development are largely conjectural since clear examples do not exist at the present day .
17 There are however , a few strains of mice ( mostly inbred strains or hybrids between inbred strains ) whose eggs and embryos do not block at the two-cell stage ( Table 2 ) .
18 This division between planning conditions and site licence conditions highlights the need for co-operation between planners , waste disposal officers and other pollution control agencies , at a pre-planning stage wherever possible , in order to reach agreement on those conditions which are to be attached to the planning consent , and those to be attached to the site licence , thus ensuring that problems of control do not arise at a later stage .
19 The rains do not come at the same time each year and yet the guinea fowl always seem to know when the wet season is about to begin .
20 The first , golden rule is that children do not learn at an even pace .
21 As Levi-Strauss was to argue , different histories have different temporalities : the time scales of the sciences do not work at the same pace as other forms of history : they have their own dynamic , their own rhythm , their own times , sometimes fast , sometimes slow , that do not operate by the ordinary round of the year ; Bachelard was fond of pointing out that from a scientific point of view the ten years from 1920 to 1930 were as long an era as the previous five hundred .
22 That night in the pub I did n't sit at the same table as the others but moved into the other bar with my pint and newspaper .
23 There was no discussion of this , and Changez did n't demur at the crucial moment when something could — maybe — have been done .
24 They did n't stop at the nearest building , but drove on to a bigger one with many more vehicles outside .
25 and we were geared more to progress in the education system where the industrial change in the other countries did n't happen at the same time and that they needed now a younger ag a younger age group to keep the , the industrial system going
26 She did n't drive at a steady speed like his Mum .
27 If you w u unfortunately we did n't look at the financial commentary as the first item .
28 but when I was eleven years old I did n't look at the sixth form and do jus just because they were doing something I wanted to do it , I might have admired them but if they were smoking that would n't make me want to smoke .
29 But vinyl discs do n't spin at the same wave as evergreen-layered branches and an almighty crash occurred soon after .
30 I do n't pay at the many markets which are held in Cleveland .
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