Example sentences of "[verb] not [vb infin] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Needless to say , this attitude did not make for a good marriage .
2 Most of them did not control for a possible confounding effect of H pylori infection .
3 Susie did not reply for a long time .
4 The superb frescoes , concealed from sight by Muslim prejudice for nearly five hundred years , were again on view , but they did not compensate for a profound sense of desecration .
5 She heaved out a great sigh and did not move for a full fifteen seconds : the sergeant watched them tick past , marked by the flick of the thin red hand of the electric clock on the wall .
6 I left the hotel early and in pleasant sunshine , wearing a light jacket and bow tie , but alas did not bargain for a sudden change in the weather .
7 It is rubbish to think that , because Sheikh Mohammed and his brothers did not bid for a single horse at Newmarket last week , the racing game is about to die on its feet .
8 I doubted not that they were law officers , but did not linger for a second look , being already at the casement windows into the side garden .
9 The agreement did not provide for a specific " quota of power " for the FMLN , an issue which had been a major sticking-point in negotiations .
10 Dana did not reappear for a few days , and during that time I felt I was going mad .
11 It was argued that he should have been sentenced to a term of detention in a young offender institution , and that he did not qualify for a custodial sentence for that purpose under Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4) and 1(4A) .
12 Do not start for a strange city or town , even for a night , without previous information of a safe place to stay .
13 One , the non-contributory invalidity pension , is paid for those who are incapable of work and do not qualify for a contributory pension .
14 Married women and widows who do not qualify for a basic pension in their own right may be entitled to a basic pension on their husband 's contributions at about 60 per cent of the level to which he is entitled ( see ‘ Pensions for women ’ at the end of the chapter ) .
15 There are very particular financial strains for those who are divorced or separated who do not qualify for a special pension like a widow .
16 No stamp duty should be payable because of these reliefs but the Regulations do not provide for a hybrid certificate .
17 What it basically means is that if someone makes a gift during his lifetime and-does n't die for a given period , that gift is free of estate duty , or partly free .
18 You see , when we went through the asteroid storm , I did n't watch for a few seconds .
19 THEY had a homosexual , a nymphomaniac , an alcoholic and a Cockney crook — but they did n't reckon for a serial killer .
20 What we did n't know for a long time was that this book is his revenge on his parents .
21 I 'm surprised Sister did n't ask for a single room .
22 Sir Stanley 's only regret is that he did n't play for a few years more .
23 She did n't breathe for a long time .
24 You can also choose sealed units that give your windows the small-paned Georgian look , or the appearance of leaded lights in square and diamond formats , with none of the cleaning problems — the glazing bars and lead strips are set in the gap between the outer panes ( as long as you do n't go for a large picture window with this effect — it can look just plain silly ! ) .
25 In an era of fast food , subsistence incomes do n't make for a culinary culture .
26 erm actually I do n't mean for a gipsy site it 's sort of two people have applied to have ordinary caravans there , like holiday caravans , etc .
27 We still use the old byre for milking and the few cows I keep do n't call for a new mechanical milker .
28 In this case , Lord Denning distinguished Bartlett v Sidney Marcus ( 1965 ) by explaining that if a car does not go for a reasonable time and the engine breaks up , this is evidence to show that the car was not fit for its purpose when sold .
29 This implication does not hold for a normative-explanatory account .
30 What is really problematic is that psychoanalysis produces a theory of identity [ i.e. sexual difference ] which does not allow for a genuine heterogeneity and contradiction in our diverse identifications .
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