Example sentences of "[verb] not [vb infin] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Upon his death in 1984 , his magnificent Cubist collection did not rest in a private museum , let alone in a wing named in his honour .
2 Wright it was established that a director did not stand in a fiduciary relationship with his shareholders .
3 The effect of the introduction of the 1987 expanded AIDS case definition was much less in England and Wales than elsewhere and did not result in a sharp rise in incidence among homosexual/bisexual men ( figure ) .
4 Lack of appropriate data systems , lack of involvement of clinicians and a basically top-down , finance-led approach , did not result in a great deal of success for this initiative .
5 Doubling the amount of protein present did not result in a higher level of crosslinking in the presence of NCp7 .
6 The 1857 Divorce Act , which removed divorce from church jurisdiction , did not result in a rapid increase in the divorce rate .
7 Preoperative radiation treatment did not result in a significant prolongation of survival ( surgery group 8.5 months ; radiation plus surgery group 10.5 months ) .
8 The preoperative radiotherapy did not result in a significant prolongation of survival time .
9 It did not expand in a big way until the late eighteenth century when population growth and parliamentary enclosure depressed the standard of living of the poorest sections of rural society .
10 The outrage eagerly orchestrated by the newspaper did not focus in a serious way on the needs and dangers facing rape survivors .
11 Of course , it is not always easy to pinpoint exactly why we do or do not engage in a particular action .
12 People do not negotiate in a direct and immediate way with material conditions ; the negotiation is structured through consciousness .
13 Many changes of government in Britain do not usher in a new set of policies in most departments .
14 No matter how ethereal they may seem , they do not exist in a timeless limbo but possess determinate antecedents in time and space .
15 The possibilities for integration , that do not exist in a segregated , all-age special school , are many — as students begin to mix , sometimes for the first time , in a community setting with other adult learners .
16 Current research assumes that crime and justice do not exist in a social vacuum , that they are at least partially political creations , and that they are inextricably involved in society .
17 Further , the need for averaging obviously favours repetitive responses to repetitive stimuli and neural events that do not correlate in a consistent time-locked way with external stimuli will necessarily be overlooked .
18 Whatever the rights and wrongs of this debate , the fact remains that we do not live in a perfect world and , like it or not , we have to rely on a large amount of data derived from animals .
19 For children in the late twentieth century there is the added difficulty that they do not live in a spiritually-secure environment , almost certainly lacking the supportive family and community that was Saint Teresa 's world .
20 Old people do not live in a social vacuum , pursuing their personal goals in ways which do not impinge on others .
21 I do not wish in a paranoid fashion to make too much of any one of these facts taken in isolation .
22 I do not believe in a nuclear civil war in the Soviet Union — I think that Nazarbaev and Krawczuk want to hang on to their nuclear weapons as a defence against a Russian attack .
23 However , their memories do not work in a logical way like ours , but in an emotional fashion and by association .
24 More and more money from public taxation has been put in to such services one way or another , yet the services still do not work in a foolproof way , for a number of practical reasons .
25 This and comparable statements do not belong in a modern student textbook , even when modulated by the appearance of a cross-polarisation/magic angle spinning ( CP/MAS ) spectrum and a mention of the procedure involved in producing the spectrum .
26 Since speakers do not alternate in a patterned way between [ h ] and [ ? ] in stressed syllables , the phonological unit /h/ is simply irrelevant to any account of variation in these areas .
27 In this way , it becomes obvious that even deregulated financial markets do not operate in a regulatory void , for caught up in the reshaping process is the need to tighten loopholes through new regulatory activity .
28 The different structured levels do not coexist in a temporal present which coincides with ‘ the presence of the essence with its phenomena ’ .
29 It did n't speak in a natural way as modern computers do .
30 She was vaguely aware that she ought to offer congratulations , but for some reason she did n't feel in a congratulatory frame of mind .
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