Example sentences of "[verb] not [pron] [adv] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And did n't it even once cross your mind that you might be doing harm ? ’
2 Do n't you fucking well know that the enemy have been mortaring the village green for the past four or five minutes while you have been playing those fucking bagpipes ? ’
3 In the Possessed notebooks Dostoevsky tries a snatch of dialogue in which Stavrogin is asked ‘ Why do n't you just simply live ? ’ ; and he replies ‘ Ah , that 's the hardest thing of all ’ .
4 Well why do n't you just absolutely fold him up ? yourself .
5 So why does n't the hot w oh shit Why do n't she hardly never look after David any more ?
6 Does n't anyone else ever say anything worth remembering ? ’
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