Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] their [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Right , well we have two hundred and sixty five pounds and sixty eight pence in the bank at the moment , erm which actually is n't very much if you think that we 've got to go right through to July to our next fund raising event , so , I was wondering that , if anyone has n't paid their subscriptions for last year or if anyone owes for Christmas cards , I think there 's one or two
2 Other companies still in dispute with Disney have agreed not to press their claims for the time being and will call off plans for a demonstration at Sunday 's opening ceremony .
3 Sotheby 's fear must be that potential purchasers will turn to Christie 's at the lower price level should their competitors decide not to raise their rate for the time being .
4 Fernandes , the party 's former shadow Foreign Minister , was quoted as saying that if Savimbi did not accept their call for reforms at the party conference to be held on June 30 , their tendency would split from UNITA .
5 This tragedy , however , did not dull their passion for skiing and Sarah remembers the early rivalry for supremacy on the slopes .
6 That construction is intended to ensure that the courts do not substitute their view for that of the administrator just because they believe that a different conclusion would be more reasonable .
7 They do not understand their reasons for living this way .
8 In addition the received legal model of the company gives powers to the shareholders to ensure that the directors once in office do not use their powers for their own self-interest .
9 What these legislative reforms seem to be suggesting is that all is basically well with the traditional model where the directors of the company manage the company but are supervised in that task by the shareholders who , if given the requisite powers , can be relied upon to ensure that directors do not use their powers for their own purposes .
10 The sisters say they do n't blame their landlady for evicting them .
11 Most of the company wives do n't see their husbands for about sixty five per cent of the year , which is actually a very long time when you 're living in these sort of conditions .
12 Inspectors , it is reported , discovered that two farmers had not declared their income for 11 years during which their actual earnings were £900,000 and £250,000 .
13 The probe started after the Revenue discovered that two Welsh farmers had not declared their income for 11 years in which time their actual earning amounted to £90,000 and £250,000 .
14 The majority of offenders against this offence say that they forgot to renew their licence , which does not diminish their liability for this absolute offence ( i.e. not requiring any guilty knowledge or mens rea ) .
15 Why had n't somebody checked that they had n't left their spears for all and sundry to trip over ?
16 Many councils have employed too many staff over the years , have been too inefficient , and have not maintained their homes for the elderly and residential care homes as well as they should have done .
17 HARD-UP Brighton have not paid their players for six weeks and backroom staff have not had wages for two months .
18 There are still some teachers who have not paid their fees for training days for 1980 .
19 But Welshman Davies and Oxford-based Saxton , both 25 , have not dropped their bid for compensation .
20 Many have not changed their decor for 20 years or more .
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