Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] [art] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 He also says that the Central Electricity Generating Board has not satisfied the inspectorate on a number of issues .
2 Childcare for working mothers remains a personal issue and Britain is the only member of the EEC which has not endorsed the directive on parental leave .
3 Meanwhile , Fletcher revealed he has not closed the door on David Gower 's Test career despite his absence from the tour party .
4 Although the Labour Party as a whole has not taken a stand on the political position of the monarchy , Tony Benn has expressed the view that these two powers of the Crown should be transferred to the Speaker of the House of Commons because he stands apart from the political parties and is directly answerable to the Commons for the conduct of the chair in a way that does not apply to the position of the Crown .
5 If the UK government has not signed the Agreement on Social Policy by the time it comes into force , it will be possible for the Commission to present a revised proposal including those mentioned above , which could then be adopted by a qualified majority of the eleven signatory states [ see page 34 ] .
6 ‘ Oh God , ’ I replied , launching myself at the Moroccan fabric , ‘ he has n't blown the gaff on my war wound , has he ?
7 He has n't seen the river on a Saturday .
8 Windows NT has been dubbed ‘ Windows Not There ’ by some cynics , because it has n't made an appearance on the marketplace yet , but when it arrives , it ought to have many of the better features of OS/2 version 2 , and , if my information is correct , be able to run programs for that environment as well as native Windows programs and DOS applications .
9 No , it has n't got a date on it .
10 He has n't got a sprayer on has he ?
11 Hang on a minute this one has n't got the ticket on
12 But if Rhodes has n't set the world on fire with his batting , he certainly has with his fielding .
13 She closed her door quietly , regretting not leaving the Polo on the road , and tried to sneak through the back way to her room .
14 For example , the retailer may decide not to make a profit on a particular item .
15 However , on Jan. 13 , 1990 , Ankara University decided not to withdraw the ban on headscarves for fear that it might provoke unrest on campus .
16 He has obviously forgotten that the Government decided not to introduce a tax on world income in 1989 , following consultation and representations from the Labour party .
17 They did not want an election on 7 November .
18 Revenues generated from all Unix sales grew about 28% — the same as last year — and although unit sales of mid-range products increased 76% , the company did not make a profit on mid-range Unix products because of increased R&D spending in that area , Bonfield said .
19 I thought that I had made it clear that we did not make a profit on the war .
20 But it did not throw a spotlight on the inadequacies or otherwise of British weapons and equipment , apart from obvious shortages of transport aircraft and ageing of her amphibious shipping .
21 In his careful , helpful , written and oral submissions Mr. Baragwanath , who appeared for the respondents before the Board , accepted that special leave to appeal would as a general rule be granted by the Board in the exercise of its discretion to a petitioner who had been erroneously refused leave to appeal as of right save in exceptional circumstances , for example , where the judgment of the courts below and the record available led the Board to conclude that the petitioner 's chances of success or the amount involved did not justify the imposition on the respondents of the delay and expense which an appeal necessarily entails .
22 But he did not lay a hand on her .
23 Though it 's a wonder she did not spot the writing on the wall .
24 The government 's promise to provide increased protection did not prevent the murder on Dec. 5 of another judge , Bernardo Jaramillo , who had been investigating activities of the Medellín drug cartel .
25 After the end of the hearing yesterday , Det Insp Young , 33 , said : ‘ As far as I know they did not base the character on me .
26 I did not like the look on his face and was sure the captain would not be pleased to see him .
27 Edward was staring at Paula and Sally did not like the expression on his face .
28 We apologise to those readers who did not receive the Guardian on Saturday when mechanical problems at our London printing plant affected some later editions ..
29 The law is illustrated by the pre-Theft Act case of Hassall ( 1861 ) 169 ER 1302 where the treasurer of a Christmas club did not spend the money on Christmas treats .
30 The House did not take a decision on the Bill or express a view on it .
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