Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] [to-vb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The boat was too small for a long journey , and I did not want to die at sea .
2 She did not want to look at Alice .
3 On his journey back to Paisley , Drummond did not neglect to stop at Boquhan and call upon Mrs. Mary Campbell , who in turn advised her cousin Lord Milton that Drummond ‘ said he wou 'd a road a hunder miles to serve our intrest & while he lives you may command him in any manner in his power ’ .
4 Derain , although as early as 1904 he had executed a still life in which he seized in a more or less superficial way on some of the aspects of Cézanne 's art which were later to fascinate and influence the Cubists , did not begin to look at Cézanne really seriously until 1906 .
5 He did not wish to look at Mowbray 's face .
6 If they use this formula and then get a report they do not like and on which they do not intend to rely at trial , then they are not committed to disclose it .
7 I do not intend to rehearse at length — the opportunity for that will come tomorrow — the powerful arguments , financial and practical , which would support the abolition of this rule at the earliest possible date .
8 Concentrate on the details of a single system ; do not expect to arrive at generalizations by picking up ethnographic snippets from here , there and everywhere .
9 It is quicker too , as I can knit the 60 rows in one go and do not have to stop at row 30 .
10 He did n't bother to look at Tessa .
11 What I did n't want to do at times was to overload , I wanted to start off with a time limit as we mean to go on and spread it out through the year and so I have put the important things which are to do with the quality system like internal quality audit erm , non- conformances , the corrective action , training and all stuff like that with an audit before and then things like contract print erm , I do n't think we are going to have any problems with I put those for after .
12 I did n't want to stay at home I wanted to get back into education and I did n't know how to the easiest way I suppose .
13 I wanted to go to work , I I did n't want to stay at school .
14 He turned back to Louis , who sat calm and polite in his chair , who did n't turn to look at Thérèse .
15 Mrs Glews : Well you just got used to it really ; you did n't have to go at night if you did n't want to .
16 He did n't have to scream at people to get his way ; he just told them and he knew that they knew they had better do it that way or there was gon na be trouble ! ’
17 Then he looked up and said , ‘ Celia , you do n't want to remain at Brentwoods for ever , do you , to have our child turn to some third party for its emotional and creature comforts , to get the odd pat on the head from a parent at six o'clock of an evening ?
18 ‘ You do n't have to shout at Miss Bailey , George , ’ said his wife .
19 I can see his point in a way ; he likes a full social life … and he does n't want to sit at home with a wife who is depressed and can only talk about babies . ’
20 It does n't have to stop at Easter .
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