Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the main reason why interviews prove ineffective is that the interviewer has not been properly trained and has not prepared thoroughly for the task .
2 He has not turned up for the past two meetings of the Supreme National Council , which he chairs and which is supposed to govern Cambodia , in conjunction with the UN , in the period up to the election .
3 He has not turned out for the village team since .
4 He has not turned out for the village team since .
5 I think she should have played a Tour Event before an exhibition event , but then again it would n't be the first time she has n't turned up for a Tour Event would it ?
6 So much so that Colin , being totally pissed off with the press , has n't turned up for the interview .
7 So much so that Colin , being totally pissed off with the press , has n't turned up for the interview .
8 I 've trained her , but she has n't gone in for the exams .
9 He has n't come here for the Portrush air and must not be written off . ’
10 As well as contributing to Oslobodjenje Camo is editor-in-chief of Nedjelja , a weekly magazine published by the same company , but which has n't come out for the last three months .
11 Vincent decided not to hang about for the landlord , but head back on foot the way they had come .
12 Even when I arrived back at Thornfield , I did not go in for a while .
13 Signora De Amicis , carried along by her own enthusiasm , did not realise why they were laughing , and , being thus taken aback , did not sing well for the rest of the evening .
14 This stage of county court procedure was introduced in 1972 and was part of the response to criticism that the county court did not cater adequately for the resolution of small claims .
15 In any case , he added , people did not show up for the political meetings , only arriving in time for the drinking afterwards .
16 The day did not begin well for the lord of Swinbrook Manor .
17 The party 's anger and resentment at the limited nature of government action did not augur well for the smooth functioning of the Russian Parliament .
18 These provisions , of which only the barest summary has been given here , were very complex and , together with the inevitable uncertainty as to when compensation would be paid and how much it should be , resulted in a general feeling of uncertainty and discontent which did not augur well for the scheme .
19 If he was able to achieve this it did not augur well for the struggles against the three Indian spinners , who had variously been described as inexperienced and nebulous .
20 You will gather I mean it caught me unawares , and in fact it disturbed me that having a bit of a wobbly on something as simple as this did not bode well for the Devil 's Ridge , which The Munros book described as a section where ‘ some may welcome the security of a rope ’ .
21 The situation did not bode well for the rest of the week — a particularly difficult one in the gruelling programme .
22 This petulant and bureaucratic state of mind did not bode well for the conduct of a battle that was now plainly imminent .
23 It added dryly that heavy discounting by Texas Home Care in Scotland did not bode well for the sector , and included a range of profit downgrades — from previous forecasts of between £108m and £118m down to between £100m and £110m for this year , and between £110m and £125m for next year .
24 For a couple to be arguing so early in their relationship did not bode well for the future .
25 ‘ Which do you think , Egbert ? ’ she enquired dolefully , uncomfortably aware that the draught coming in the window did not bode well for the foulard .
26 When mortality for both sexes in infancy and childhood was great , as it was at the beginning of the century , it did not take long for a cohort to advance up the age scale before females outnumbered males .
27 It did not take long for the police to trace Mrs Dyer to Caversham where she was arrested .
28 It did not take long for the two of them to agree that cost-cutting and restructuring were required .
29 It did not take long for the Japanese to recognise the value of railways , and their natural imitativeness served them well in grasping the salient features of railway work .
30 Coltart , despite having a more fruitful year , did not play just for the money either .
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