Example sentences of "[verb] for [pers pn] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Singh had been visited at home and the head had arranged for me to be present so that I could explain and reinforce any suggestions .
2 In other words , was the quality plan sufficiently well completed for you to be able to utilize it ?
3 Though the members of this genus are in many respects typical ascaridoids , their biology is sufficiently varied for it to be necessary to consider each species separately .
4 It 's what I expect for you to be able to work , really hard , get your homework done , work hard in your exams , I expect you to go to college .
5 I do n't know I , I would n't be in a position to answer for them to be honest with you .
6 I 'd hate for him to be stuck up there for last week in March
7 Answering the question as to the state in which this love can best be practised , Rolle points to an inner quietness which seems for him to be achievable only in literal solitude and constrained stability : " er Goddes trone , dwelles still in a stede , and er noght abowte rennand " [ trone : throne ; a stede : one place ] ( 10.116.258 – 9 ) .
8 Are these sufficiently closely defined for us to be able to apply them to particular cases ?
9 Eventually enough of these shapes were collected and studied for it to be undeniable that this is just what they must be .
10 It just remains for you to be happy too .
11 Enough has survived for us to be able to trace the developing skills and aspirations of some groups of craft workers , but we can be sure that there were many crafts and other activities in the city of Knossos which have left no archaeological trace .
12 It had appeared , it would move on , but for this moment it was there for her — almost as if it had waited for her to be alone .
13 ‘ This is an ideal situation for us , ’ says Gaynor , ‘ having both been working with other companies mainly as dancers having a home setting for us to be creative in our own right . ’
14 I was thinking that perhaps you could arrange for me to be one of the team .
15 So , in essence , in order that the partnership can really start working emotionally for both partners , they must jointly seek to develop within the male partner the ability to nurture , and within the female the ability to recognise her own needs and to ask for them to be satisfied .
16 Third , because the sort of classroom conditions required for it to be effective are simply not widely enough available in most secondary schools ( and maybe some primary schools ) at the present time .
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