Example sentences of "[verb] for [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At home , where an admiral 's powers were much more restricted , and even the most favoured officers could expect to have to wait for their promotion until the end of the admiral 's period of command , when it was customary to make him the compliment of a few promotions on striking his flag , it was still possible to introduce new entrants to a seagoing life .
2 Real boulevard creation , making what is now the centre of West Berlin , around Kurfürstendamm , had to wait for its beginnings in the 1920s and its maturity under Allied rule in the 1960s .
3 Williams , who beat Trevor Currie on Tuesday night to add the European championship to his Commonwealth title , may have to wait for his shot at the British champion , though Mason rises to his former sparring partner 's rhetoric .
4 Williams , who beat Trevor Currie on Tuesday night to add the European championship to his Commonwealth title , may have to wait for his shot at the British champion , though Mason rises to his former sparring partner 's rhetoric .
5 The NAC " was severely criticized for its policy towards the Abyssinian war .
6 Meri had been criticized for his management of the Foreign Ministry , especially for having dismissed two deputies in February without consulting the Prime Minister .
7 The SPD polled an average of 26.64 per cent ( 21.88 per cent in March 1990 ) , but apparently only made real inroads on CDU support in Brandenburg , with the respected East Berlin lay Protestant leader and lawyer Manfred Stolpe heading its campaign against the CDU 's Peter-Michael Diestel ( who had been criticized for his handling of the dissolution of the Stasi secret police — see p. 37828 ) .
8 The FNM attacked the size and cost of the new Cabinet and called for the resignation of Maynard and of Philip Bethel , who had been criticized for his stewardship of the Transport Ministry and the troubles of the state airline Bahamasair .
9 And while the fashionable ammonites and graptolites were competing for their place in the spotlight , the minor characters in the stratigraphical play were doing exactly the same thing .
10 Speaker J , in his preceding contribution , has talked about the money received for his work at a particular point in the past .
11 The qualities which make a girl smart and successful at her work would similarly make for her success in the marriage market . "
12 What if he were to be punished for his vengeance by a plunge into the nerve-glove ?
13 Until a few weeks ago skin patients had to go for their treatment to the old dermatology hospital in this old TB ward , while research was carried out in a couple of temporary buildings .
14 ‘ In reaching its verdict , the commission accepted Mr Jones has issued a press statement apologising for his participation in the video and that he had been misled and badly advised , but that his actions were irresponsible .
15 He 'd disarmed her earlier on by profusely apologising for his role in the near-collision with the Kestrel .
16 A NUMBER of North West names have been honoured for their services to the community or their profession .
17 Dr Susan Walker , water resources manager for the north-west of England region of the National Rivers Authority , and president-elect of the British Hydrological Society , is honoured for her support of the activities of the university 's department of civil and offshore engineering .
18 This chapter explores the relationship between age and several measures of inequality , drawing for our data on a nationally representative sample of elderly people from the GHS .
19 Albert Fall arranged for their transfer to the Department of the Interior , and then leased them in secret to two private oil magnates from whom , it was later revealed , he had received substantial bribes — some $300 000 and a herd of pedigree cattle .
20 Physicians for Human Rights , based in Boston , and the New York group Human Rights Watch brought the samples back last summer and arranged for their analysis at the British chemical weapons laboratory at Porton Down , Wiltshire .
21 Finding out that the goods were stolen after receipt is not handling , but if the accused then , for example , sells them , he may have arranged for their disposal for the benefit of another .
22 Baron Grimm , with whom Mozart had finally fallen out , arranged for his departure on a slow , cheap coach , which took 10 days to reach Strasbourg .
23 Murchison recognized the boy 's ability , arranged for his entry to the Royal School of Mines , where he studied under Thomas Huxley and ( Sir ) Andrew Ramsay [ qq.v. ] , and in 1862 recruited him to the Geological Survey of Scotland .
24 Sometimes the findings were examined for their implications for the effectiveness of prisons in preventing recidivism ( European Committee on Crime Problems , 1967 ) , but this was a side issue : the sociology of the prison was not about devising effective treatment programmes .
25 The Nobel committee said it was given for their work towards a peaceful ending of apartheid and for laying the foundation for a democratic South Africa .
26 The defendants did not appear before the judge on the hearing of the motion and no adequate explanation was given for their absence by the solicitor then acting for them .
27 A side-effect of this is that if your mail starts showing your long address as opposed to the short address given for your name on the list , the dopey list software rejects it .
28 All her staff believed she genuinely cared for their welfare for no other reason than her deeply-felt need to be surrounded by a contented workforce .
29 Hugh Fraser 's later career was rewarded — no doubt forgiven for his participation in the case , or possibly because it was unknown — by a knighthood , but nothing more .
30 Jovellanos , in his campaign for technical education and the useful arts as a means of raising living standards , may be forgiven for his attacks on the dead languages .
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