Example sentences of "[verb] for [art] same [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They need a new identity , but in seeking it they find themselves competing for the same political space with social movements that share their radical vocation .
2 In this study , this was achieved by examining the estimated kilometre square populations together with those which were reported for the same areal units in the 1971 Census of Population .
3 Now we learn that tampons are not classed as medical appliances and therefore not subject to the same stringent government legislation on manufacture and sterility which applies to say condoms which when you come to think about it are destined for the same anatomical region .
4 Alliance councillor Larry Thompson warned that if such a motion was passed and implemented it would act as a catalyst encouraging other groups and organisations to apply for the same free waste collection .
5 So called ’ Socialist ’ feminists , in true liberal style , fail to put forward a strategy to end capitalism , putting all their energies into the Labour Party who stand for the same redundant ideas which go nowhere towards real change .
6 Here 's another new model from guy who has been riding for the same big-time company for literally eons .
7 In this respect the ‘ condition ’ calls for the same personal discipline as a celibate single life .
8 We were bunched together in the semi-final of the 1976 Olympic 1500m in Montreal and as we went for the same small gap I felt his spike again my shin .
9 Yet the cases which fail to set up trusts all fail for the same good reason : because they do not make clear an intention on the part of the settlor that a trustee should be legally obliged to a beneficiary .
10 The former was the obvious clash between Britain 's need for exports to pay her way in the post-war world and the requirement of the rearmament programme , both of which competed for the same scarce skills and resources of the metal-working industries to the detriment of the export trade .
11 The much smaller amount of work on older women represents them as in mourning for the same psychological characteristics .
12 Presumably most of us work for the same principal reason — in order to live — but the choice of job may be influenced more by necessity than choice .
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