Example sentences of "[verb] in [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 How much this matters in practice depends on the significance that levels of attainment come to acquire in the grouping of children within and between schools , and in the perceptions of pupils by their teachers .
2 ‘ I sat down at my desk with a piece of paper , and asked myself what a minister required to know in order to contribute to the debate ’ .
3 The new enclosures varied in size according to the size of the farms .
4 Its functioning , including leap years , is so familiar that it sometimes comes as a revelation to researchers into early English local history to learn that there were several calendars in use in the past , each somewhat different from the other , with quite distinct ways of referring to months and days , and with days whose hours varied in length according to the season of the year .
5 She went home that night having had to bring all her professionalism to bear in order to concentrate on the job in hand .
6 As it turned out , the wide spread of professional competence present in the workshop made questions as to where individual expertise had been acquired recede in importance compared to the real advances in thinking which could be made through an immediate exchange of ideas .
7 She had large legible handwriting , was good at making lists and persevering in telephone calls to the social services on behalf of the inarticulate .
8 The grass was added in staccatto strokes from the angular corners of a selection of Polychromos Pastels , offering a tonal scale of green colour values .
9 Obviously completing joint statements booking in time to go on the computers to get them typed up nicely
10 A number of these proposals were included in legislation presented to the Congress by Sarney on Aug. 16 , which was accompanied by a bill preparing for the privatization of 18 state concerns in the steel , chemicals , fertilizers , mining and shipping sectors .
11 The pilgrimage intentions together with our own personal needs were included in prayer led by the Bishop .
12 They have been helped along the way by CoastGuard , a treatment for the micro organisms contained in sewage discharged into the sea launched by Chlor Chemicals ' Watercare business last year , and a newspaper story comparing Weston 's beach favourably with a Barbados resort favoured by Princess Diana .
13 ‘ Every man caught in night moves towards the light ’ — this line of Victor Hugo 's is one that Julian Green has both loved and realised in his own life .
14 Anthropology has in fact developed as the science of the evolution of human society and many early anthropological works take the form of natural histories of mankind .
15 The gap between mortality rates for the two groups has in fact widened since the 1930s , when the rates were 10 per cent below the average for professional and managerial workers , and 11 per cent above for unskilled workers .
16 A fortiori , a person is not to be regarded as acting dishonestly if he appropriates another 's property believing that with full knowledge of the circumstances that other person has in fact agreed to the appropriation .
17 If the tenant 's death is untimely , that is to say within one year of the date of the letting , there is no reason why the potential successor should lose his home if he has in fact resided with the tenant for 12 months .
18 This has in fact occurred in the advanced capitalist countries , and one main consequence has been to limit industrial conflict primarily to economic issues , as against larger issues of the control of the enterprise , and to bring about a substantial degree of integration of workers into the existing mode of production .
19 Since 1945 the government has in effect alternated between the Labour and Conservative parties , the present Conservative administration headed by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher having been formed in 1979 and re-elected in 1983 and 1987 [ see pp. 29645 ; 32262 ; 35269 ] .
20 Murder charge : A 30year-old man from Thorne , south Yorkshire , is to appear in court charged with the murder of a patient in hospital .
21 This method would mean prevention of development which was definitely unsound upon recognised objective standards , and the community would still be able to engage in amenity planning under the salutary control of paying for any economic value destroyed .
22 In addition petrol-lead in food brought into the region would not be spotted .
23 A weighted mean of all the scaled images is then calculated , with the weighting factor being selected in order to bias against the presence of any abnormalities .
24 Government privatization plans , already set in train in June with the flotation of one-third of the shares in the Ibusz travel agency and the reopening of the Budapest stock exchange [ see p. 37620 ] , were framed in legislation approved by the National Assembly on Sept. 18 .
25 It was written in sub Gone with the Wind style , was longer than the American Civil War and took almost as long again to identify what sort of food was actually on offer from amongst the jokey prose .
26 What should management do in order to compensate for the shortcomings ?
27 But the 1979 limit represented the highest possible number of children for a school — higher than was desirable , since it was imposed in order to deal with the rise in the birth-rate of the mid-1960s .
28 I was also immensely proud when Gavin Campbell , who fronted last week 's B B C D E C appeal , told me that words could not describe the tremendously high quality of Save The Children 's work in Malawi , Mozambique and Sudan , which he had recently visited in order to film for the D E C appeal .
29 It is predicted that these changes will result in significance shifts in the rating burden .
30 The graphics are well drawn , and all the major pieces of Allied and German hardware are represented , with many of the pieces not normally seen in computer wargames like the British Sexton Self propelled gun , and the massive JagdTiger Tank destroyer .
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